Chapter one - Boyfriends

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Togami and Makoto smiled happily, holding each other in their arms. It was night and they were cuddling with each other in Makoto's room. Just earlier Togami and Kyoko had a huge fight, but Makoto chose Byakuya. "Hey Byakuya, can I ask you something?" He asked, slipping out a fart. Togami nodded, "Yeah what is it, Baka?"

"Well since you confessed your love to me and I chose you, does that mean we're a couple now? Like boyfriends owo?" He asked, his face blushing up. "Well yeah, only if you want uwu. I'd love to be your boyfriend though.." Byakuya said, also blushing. "Of course! I'd love to be your boyfriend too." Makoto said happily, wrapping his arms around him tighter.

Byakuya'a smile widened, he was so happy to know he could finally have Makoto all to himself. "I love you my baka." He said, giving him a small kiss. "Also, even is this is a bit selfish, please stay away from Kyoko as much as you can. She's threatened me and stuff to get me away from you, and I still don't trust her. She's kinda crazy, and I don't want her to do anything to you."

Makoto nodded, "Yeah yeah I know, I'll stay away from her unless if it's during investigations, trials or something like that." He farted and Byakuya blushed, smelling the delicious fart. "Anyways, she didn't even deserve you. She didn't truly love you, she only loves certain things about you. Like, she said your farts were gross. But I promise you they're not."

Makoto blushed and farted more. "R- r- really owo? Thank you, I'm glad you like them." He continued to fart as they talked with each other, soon becoming very tried. Byakuya laid down with Makoto, falling asleep while still holding him in his arms.

My Baka<3 - A Naegami story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora