Chapter One

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Mikaela walked towards Claremont Psychiatric Hospital, hating just how often she entered this building - whether it was for work or personal reasons. Her friends liked to joke about how she practically lived there herself - which if someone was to look into her history well enough, they could decide she maybe did need to be there.

She approaches Mr David, otherwise known as Martin Whitly's personal guard. He smiles at her, "Miss Rodriguez, wonderful to see you again."

She smiled back, knowing his words had a double meaning. Whilst he did like to see her, it also meant he would be texting Jessica to let her know she had been to see him again - not that it ever did anything.

Jessica would demand she stop seeing the man, but ultimately she had no control over her life. She wasn't her mother, as much as she liked to act like she was.

She sat down on the other side of the red line, knowing that even though he cared about her, he was still a psychopath. He smiled at her, his vindictive smile as his eyes lit up like a child, glad to see his one and only visitor. "Mickie, how are you my dear?"

She clasped her hands on her lap, straightening herself up as she did so. She was a psychiatrist, so she knew he would analyse her body language in the hopes it would give up some information - but with her it never did. "I'm fine. I heard you consulted on a thoracic aortic dissection repair, how was that?"

She always turned the conversation to him at first, knowing that as a pathological narcissist he would happily discuss it. He sighed happily, sinking into his chair, "20 years without a scalpel and I still remember everything."

She nodded along as he talked about the procedure, only half listening as she spent the rest of the time watching his movements, and the way that everytime he mentioned using the scalpel his eyes darkened. It was clear to her that he missed the control of welding such a weapon - one that he used to commit at least 23 murders.

"Enough about me, I haven't seen you in a week, fill me in." He slung his arms behind his head, acting as if he was getting comfortable.

Mikaela sighed, "Well let's see, Jessica had once again invited me over to dinner with the ulterior motive of convincing me to stop coming to see you - it didn't work for her. I went on a date with some boy who works in the pathology department - which went horribly, he had no personality whatsoever. Oh, also, who knew someone could be so passionate about examining tissue when really the machine does it for them."

She kept it general, enough to keep her satisfied but not enough to bring in his children. She hated talking about Malcolm and Ainsley to him, knowing that it was just feeding his need for approval - but she sometimes felt bad for him at the fact he felt cut off from them, so she threw him some information every now and then.

It didn't help that she spent most of her time with Malcolm, so it was obvious that he sometimes came up in conversation.

She looked down at her phone as it began to ring, and cursed lightly to herself, "I have to go, but I'll see you soon Martin." She gave him a gentle smile and wave as she saw the happiness dull slightly in his eyes. She worked with many people who were locked up for years and had nobody to talk to, it was part of the reason she visited him so often - she knew it could get lonely for them.

He approached the line and held his arms open to her, "Of course Mickie, until next time." She hugged him quickly, knowing she shouldn't, but also knew he craved some sort of physical interaction that wasn't with his handlers.

She stepped outside and rang back the reason she had to cut her visit short, "What do you need?"

He laughs down the phone, "Bold to assume I wasn't calling for a chat."

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