Chapter Two

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Mikaela walked into Jessica's house, deciding that if anyone could help her with the pain it would be her. “Jess, are you here?!”

“In the main room darling!” She shouted back, instantly going to pour a drink for them both, happy to hear Mikaela was here.

 Jessica sounded happy, which made Mikaela wince at the fact she was about to pop that bubble. Jessica deemed the girl her third child, always taking care of her and fixing things in her life - whether it was wanted or not. Mikaela knew that the second she saw the pain she was in it would be a dramatic performance - and the speech about not going to see Martin would intensify over the fact she had been hit outside the facility.

Mikaela walked in, trying to hide the pain initially, feeling bad that she had showed up at the woman's house unannounced to ruin her mood. “Mickie dear, to what do I owe this pleasure, you were here a few days ago, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” Jessica handed her a glass of scotch neat - just like how the young girl liked it.

“Um, I can’t exactly say that I’m not here without an ulterior motive - because I do have one. I need a few painkillers, strong ones if you have them.” She looked at the floor, too scared to let Jessica see her face. Jessica knew that Mikaela hated pills of any kind because of the fact it was the reason her mother was as absent as she was her whole life.

“Well of course I have them, but why do you need them?” She tried to broach the subject lightly, knowing that the girl hated when she pried into her personal life properly.

Mikaela sighed, “Another car crashed into mine earlier, and I walked out of the hospital earlier without so much as an aspirin, so I was wondering if you could give me something to take the edge off of the pain. My ribs feel like they’re on fire and I have a killer headache.”

Jessica reached for the girls drink when she went to take a sip of it, “Now, whilst I always encourage a good drink, for you I do not recommend mixing alcohol with strong drugs.” She stood up and reached into her purse, grabbing a pill bottle and handing a few to the girl.

She throws them back when her phone lets her know that a text has come through, she checks it only to roll her eyes.

Text Message
From: Mal
Look, please just let me take you to get your head checked, it will make me feel better. If you don’t let me I will bring in the force of Jessica Whitly to sort you out.
On a less serious note, come over tonight?
M x

She rolls her eyes at the fact he tried to threaten her with his mother, and if it wasn’t already for the fact Jessica knew about the accident it might have worked, but she was too scared of being in a tight space to care. She sighed at the fact he was inviting her over without saying what they were doing - he only ever did that when he was worried about her and was too scared to leave her alone at night.

Jessica cleared her throat, “Anyone I know?” She said it hoping she would say it was her son, she had always thought that the two of them would be perfect for eachother - considering they had similar interests, spent all their time together anyway and also the fact they both experienced traumas because of Martin Whitly. 

“You might know him, he just so happens to be your son asking me to go back to the hospital and inviting me over later.” She inhaled a deep breath, ready for the comments about dating.

Jessica lightly clapped her hands together, “Oh wonderful, I hope this means you are finally taking my advice?” She slightly suggested that they get together once again.

Mikaela rolled her eyes, “No Jessica, I am not seeing your son. We are going to eat junk food and watch a movie, nothing else.”

Jessica pouted dramatically, trying to cover up the fact that she really was sad that they still won’t admit that they like each other, “I want grandbabies, so hurry it up.”

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