Chapter Four

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Malcolm ended up carrying her up the stairs to his apartment, hating how with every upwards step she let out a groan of pain, and it wasn’t something he wanted to listen to - so he decided to stop it for both their sakes. He lowered her down gently onto his bed, laughing at how she immediately drifted to the right side of it - something she had dubbed her side of the bed for years.

He walked over to his wardrobe to grab something for her to change into, considering she took up more of it than him it wasn’t overly hard for him to find something. She smiled at him as he handed her one of his sweaters and a pair of her shorts. “Any chance you could help me change?” She tried to hide the obvious embarrassment in her tone, but there was very little that she could hide from him ever.

He laughed. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before Mik, no need to act shy now.” He helped her take her shoes off so she didn’t have to bend and rip open her stitches.

She slapped him hard on the chest, making him fall backwards since he was hunkered down, making her burst out laughing - which she instantly regretted as she grabbed onto her side at the burning pain it caused. “Yeah, but usually I looked presentable any other time you did. Now don’t make me laugh you dipshit, it hurts.”

He gets off the ground holding his hands up in mock surrender as he sits down beside her, helping her lay down properly whilst positioning the pillows so that they support her side and elevated her head. “I happen to think you look good all the time - even when you fell off the back of Jake Rileys quad and landed in cow shit.”

She gasped dramatically and swatted him away, “How dare you bring that up, I thought we agreed that was a memory that went into the vault?” He just shook his head and got up to make her something to eat, knowing that she wouldn’t have dared to try and eat the hospital food - she had deemed it inedible when she was a child and they were visiting his father at the hospital when he was a surgeon.

Mikaela drifted off to sleep before he even got the chance to start making the food, making him sigh knowing she hadn’t eaten all day - but he wasn’t willing to wake her up either. So with a shake of his head, he took his sleeping pills in the hopes he would have a slightly peaceful night and not disturb the hurt girl too much in her sleep.

He lay down beside her and the girl subconsciously moved closer to him, sensing that he was there. She curled up into his side and lay her head on his chest, humming out in her sleep. He smiled lightly down at the fact she was hurt and all she wanted was to be close to him. It was always the way they were - when one of them was hurt or had gone through something that had affected them, they only wanted each other.

Mikaela woke with a jolt, feeling Malcolm writhe in his sleep, muttering too low for her to be able to comprehend what he was saying. She began to shake him when she saw his eyes move rapidly under his eye lids, “Mal, come on wake up!”

He bolted into an upright position, knocking the girl off of the bed and onto the floor with a harsh slap to the ground. She groaned holding her ribs, “Ow.”

Malcolms eyes widened, his hand trembling as he relived the nightmare and at the fact he had hurt the girl who was staying with him purely because she had been hurt in the first place, “Oh my god, Mik, are you okay?” He rushed to his feet, helping her off of the ground and back up onto the bed. “Here let me check your stitches.”

He helped her lift her sweater up so she didn’t have to move too much, only to swat his hand away, “I’m fine. I fell, big deal, it would have hurt whether I had just had surgery or not.”

He rolled his eyes at the fact she was brushing off the extent of her injury, but decided not to mention it knowing it would cause more harm than good with the state she was in, and he knew that unnecessary stress after a major brain surgery was not what she needed. Dropping the subject was his best option.

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