love, corpse

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Talk of depression, suicide, etc.

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"It's been two years, y/n."

Silence fell.

Wind blew through Corpse's dark, curly hair, throwing it across his face. The grass waved around his legs as he knelt on the green turf. Her headstone glittered in the sunlight; the lettering carved in was etched into his mind permanently.

"Nothing is the same without you..."

Tears fell, yet so did the eerily calm silence. Everything felt like nothing, but nothing also felt like everything. Hands covered a tear-soaked face that was decorated with scars reflecting the pain he wasn't able to release.

"I just want you back, please..."

Soon, the quiet was replaced with low sobs and pleading for his soulmate to return. He knew it was over. He had known that for a long time. However, he wanted to give his best effort.

For her.

Slowly and gently, he pulled a folded up piece of paper from his jacket pocket. With the most delicate touch, he unfolded it and read it aloud to himself.

"My sweet corpse, there are no words in the universe I could possible use to describe how sorry I am. The world treated us so unfairly, and I couldn't resist the thoughts and urges any longer. I am so grateful for how long you kept me on this Earth, but I'm sorry to say that not everything is meant to be. With you, I leave my most sincere love and care. Love, y/n.

The ink on the page was smudged in various spots. Countless tears had fallen onto it and caused the imperfections. Slowly, Corpse pulled a second note from the other pocket. As he had done with the first, he unfolded it and read it to himself.

"Y/n, life has been so horribly miserable in your absence. There is nothing else I can say. Weeks upon months pass where I don't leave my apartment. There isn't a second of any day that I am not thinking of you. There's not a night to be spared from your visits in my dreams. There is nothing left for me here. We will be together again soon, my love. I promise you, we will see each other once again. I can't wait to be by your side and feel your warmth. I can't wait to hold your hand in mine. So, this is goodbye for now. Soon you will no longer be watching me from above. We will be together again. Love, Corpse."

With both notes folded and lying beside the headstone, Corpse rose from the ground and started the journey back home. Each step felt like another weight had been added to his ankles. Each breath was like fire filling his lungs. It was suffocating.

With eyes having been on him the whole way, finally he was home. With swiftness he hadn't been able to find in himself until now, he walked to the closet. Upon opening it, he discovered cobwebs everywhere. Dust coated everything with a thick layer. Among all the clothes, in the back, lay a gun. Not a big gun; a simple pistol they had bought the summer before the incident to simply defend their home.

Little did he know that was the decision he would come to regret the most.

He pulled the bullets from the box beside it, carefully removing a single bullet. A low sigh was the only sound heard in the room. The clink of metal on metal echoed in the room as he slid the bullet into the shaft.

The click of it going into place. The hammer raised. The trigger set into place. Slowly, Corpse walked to the couch. He sat down, cold sweat dripping down his temples.

Shaky hands, a dry mouth, a pounding migraine; none of it was significant in his mind as the gun was slowly raised and pressed against his temple. Too long he had been fighting. Too long his patience had been pushed to the brink of breaking at any given moment. It was too much, and he was finally giving in.

And so he pulled the trigger.

Finally, it was over it. It would finally end, and he could be back with the person he loved.

For that split second before things went black, he felt as though it truly was meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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