𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐

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the silence was too suffocating in your empty apartment. you couldn't sleep, so you went out to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water. after taking a few drinks, you set the glass down on the counter and walked over to the window. you peered down a few stories at the busy streets, the noise of the city not bothering you as it once had when you first moved into the one bedroom, one bath living space. you didn't even notice it anymore, which is why it felt so lonely and far too quiet. the only light that helped you to see was the bright moonlight shining in through the window. you left the half full glass of water on the counter as you slowly made your way back to your bedroom. you were tired, painfully in fact, but for some reason you couldn't fall asleep.

when you got back through the door to your bedroom, you closed it behind you while walking over to your bed. without another thought, you crawled under the blankets and bundled your self up, curling into a fetal position. you grabbed your phone and went to instagram, watching through stories until you got to one of your close friends'.

9m ago

you were wondering to yourself why he would be up so late; you looked up at the time and saw it was nearly half past three in the morning. you decided to message him, settling on the decision that a simple "hey" would suffice. a couple minutes later, you got a response.


"hey, why are you up this late?"


"I was gonna ask you the same thing"


"cant sleep like usual"


"same here. it's too quiet in my apartment."


"we could call if you'd like, maybe it wouldn't be as quiet then."

you smiled a bit. you had always loved calling with corpse; his voice always soothed you and helped your worries and anxieties melt away. you quickly agreed and saw it pop up on your screen.

corpse_husband has started a call. tap to join.

you clicked it and could instantly hear the faint static from his end. you were too nervous to talk first; he knew that about you.

after a few seconds, you heard a deep and raspy, "hey".

"hey," you breathed out, instantly relaxing a bit.

"how are you, y/n?"

"painfully tired, i want nothing more than to just crash right now."

"i'm sorry, is there anyway i could help you to sleep?"

"maybe just talking for a bit," you said. "what have you been up to recently? we haven't talked in a few weeks."

"just working on music and streaming pretty much. how about you?"

"wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, repeat. i get my first day off since a week ago tomorrow. i guess my body chose a good day to not be able to fall asleep."

you heard a deep raspy laugh come from the other side of the line. you smiled, immediately loosening up a bit and feeling yourself get more tired. a deep yawn came from him, and you were mirroring it yourself without realising.

"you really do have a magical voice, i wasn't tired in the slightest until now," he said, sounding softer than usual, almost as if he was trying to be gentle or charming with you. news flash, it one hundred percent worked.

"same here."

you heard a low sigh followed by the rustling like he was moving around.

"i might just fall asleep myself"

"we could fall asleep together, it sounds sweet"

he giggled again, helping you to realise what you had really just said.

"you know what i mean!"

"i know, i know. a guy can hope though, can't he?"

you pondered on that for a while. what did he mean by that? you played it over and over in your mind trying to analyse the tone he used. was he being sarcastic?

when you went to ask him, you let out a small, "what do you mean?" however, you got no response.


a small snore was all that was heard, making you smile. just a few minutes ago, you were having a terrible time even relaxing in your own bed. you could now feel yourself slipping off to your rem state. you smiled to yourself and muted so you couldn't make a loud sound and wake him up by moving around or anything.

"good night corpsie"

and finally you were off to sleep.



i've never really been good at writing one shots.

either way, i hope you enjoyed :)

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