Interviews, guest appearances, practices, and concerts. It was a never ending cycle for the popular idol group, and though it was exhausting, they enjoyed every moment, after all, it was what they loved to do. Depending on how long they were scheduled to stay in the cities they visited, they were given a reprieve of half a day to a full day or two in which to relax as they chose, which they were grateful for.
Today was one of those days, a half day that allowed them to enjoy themselves after a long practice. Taehyung decided he wanted to spend his free time enjoying a visit to a special exhibition.
"Hey, Jungkookie, wanna go see an exhibition with me, it's a special exhibition of every famous robot and vehicle in hollywood history. The Batmobile, the Mac5 from Speed racer, Kit from Knight rider, the Transformers, the Terminator, and so much more," Tae wiggled his eyebrows at Jungkook as he continued, "the Iron man suit will be there."
Jungkook smiled widely as he jumped in place excitedly while clapping his hands,"That sounds fun, I can't wait!."
The exhibition was amazing, not only were the vehicles and other machines displayed, but they were each displayed in a small recreation of their famous environment.
The first vehicle they came across was the Delorion from Back to the Future, the doors open wide, exposing the cars interior, fiery treadmarks following behind, the background a recreation of the mall parking lot from the film.
Next was the Batmobile, it's backdrop a dark Gotham city, the Bat signal shining in the night sky.
Ecto1, lights flashing and sirens sounding, stood against a backdrop of New York, Slimer seemingly being sucked into a containment unit near the front of the vehicle, while the silhouette of the ghostbusters stood on the roof of a building in the background, the beams from their proton packs lit by tiny flashing lights, aimed at the Stay Putt Marshmallow Man.
With every exhibit, Tae and Jungkook grew more and more excited as they moved from one area to the next. The exhibition even had the iconic vehicles from popular and well known animated shows, like the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo and the car from the Flintstones.
Their eyes widened at the site of the Millennium Falcon and three X-Wing fighters to their left, and the Starship Enterprise to their right. Their heads appeared to be on swivels as they constantly moved from one side to the other in an effort to see everything at once.
"Whoa..." they both said in awe as they gazed at the towering forms of the Transformers. Twenty foot tall Autobots and Decepticons engaged in battle, and New York was their battleground. To the right, C3PO and R2D2 wandered around a desert. They had just passed the Terminator's exhibit when Jungkook exclaimed excitedly, "Hyung, look," just before he ran ahead, Tae chuckling behind him.
Ironman flew above the city, his core glowing brightly in his chest.
"Hyung, take my picture!"
"That was awesome." Jungkook exclaimed happily.
"Yeah, it was. I'm glad we got to see it before it moved on to the next city." Tae said, and Jungkook nodded in agreement.
The idols and their small entourage of bodyguards and company staff, stopped for lunch at a small but cozy restaurant. As it was a weekday, and an hour in which most people were at work or school, the restaurant was fairly quiet and empty. The boys sat at a booth alone, while the others sat close enough to do their jobs effectively, but far enough to allow the boys a little privacy.