Shorts! May I have this dance? (Cynthia)

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It was a great season for archeology

During one of your adventures with Cynthia, you found a zone filled to the brim with fossils. Not only the regionals that you were familiar with but some others that the world had never seen before!

It was a breakthrough in every sense

You contacted the association and told them about this. This, in turn, made it to the news, and interest in the archeological zone spiked significantly

Even some influential people from other regions decided to fund your group's activities

One of them, in particular, offered one of his most luxurious properties to make a party for you all

It was a marvelous night alright, was missing something, or rather, someone

You were at the party, rocking your best clothes for the occasion and talking to some colleagues that had been exploring other regions

Namely, Galar

"I'm telling you, they combined two fossils to make an entirely new beast!"

You laughed while your friend shook her head

"Can't imagine what type of Pokemon would result from such a thing"

"It's a sight to behold alright, but it just makes me curious about what the actual creatures look like"

The brunette beside you giggled

"Well, looks like you'll have to combine the right halves of the Pokemon to find out!"

You shared a laugh, but that was quickly interrupted when someone appeared at the door

The exact someone you had been thinking of during this entire event

It was Cynthia herself, wearing her characteristic hairclips, a black feathery ruff around her neck, and a dress that highlighted her figure without sacrificing her elegance

It was...yeah...


Silence took over the minute she arrived and all eyes were on her, for good reason

"I'm terribly sorry, an emergency came up and I had to coordinate the gym leaders to take care of it"

She pushed a strain of hair behind her hairpin as she walked down the stairs that led to the main area, but stopped midway when she spotted you

"But looks like my special someone did make it in time"

And just like that, now all the attention was on you, and you couldn't help but smile

This was the girl you were dating

The crowds moved aside to allow you to walk towards her

Once she had you close, she smiled tenderly at you

"I hope the dancing hasn't started yet. I would hate missing the first dance with you"

You walked up to her and linked your arm with hers

"Are you kidding? I would never start without you, especially when you look so stunning"

Cynthia giggled as she grabbed your arm, getting closer to you as you walked together down the stairs with her

You were the one she was dating

And she couldn't be happier about it

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