Part 20

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Minato: hurry
Naruto's POV

I jumped from tree to tree hurrying to get to a sand medical ninja. He's bleeding alot, I'm worried.

Sasuke: *cough*

Naruto: h-hold on sasuke

Sasuke: stop worrying dobe I'll be fine

Naruto: no you won't

Sasuke: yes I will

Naruto: I'm not going to argue with you teme

Finally we're here, I rush around trying to locate the sand medical ninja's. When I finally find one I call for them getting there attention. When they come over they ask what happened. After telling them they take him away telling me he'll be okay and that I got him here on time.

Once I was done I jumped away hurrying to get back. When I was there my dad and the rest of the hokage's had the little kid with them.

Naruto: thank goodness he's safe

Minato: yeah

Naruto: you wanna piggy back ride?

Kid: yeah!

By the time we got back sasuke was already in a room with kakashi by his side.

Naruto: is he okay?

Kakashi: yeah he was just a little tired

Naruto: okay

Kakashi: uh.. I'm heading out

Naruto: okay...bye

I watched kakashi leave then turned around looking at a peaceful sleeping sasuke.

Naruto: hehe you've never looked so peaceful teme, though you do look handsome

I blushed looking at him. He did look handsome. I slowly bent down almost pressing our lips together. I looked at him making sure his eyes didn't open then kissed him.

It was supposed to be a short passionate kiss but when I tried pulling away, a hand held my head down and sasuke kissed back. My eyes shot open, by now my face was really red.

Naruto: tem-hmf

Sasuke: just shut up dobe

I closed my eyes letting him take advantage of me.

Minato: what the fuck

I quickly pulled my head away hearing my dad's voice.

Naruto: d-dad

Jiriya: well I knew he had a thing for sasuke but I didn't know that sasuke had a thing for him

Kakashi: I've always known

Tobirama: what are y'all talking about

Hashirama: I would tell you to stop being nosy but I wanna know what's going on

Hiruzen: what?

Naruto: uh....I-Its not what it

Minato: bullshit I just walked in and your kissing him

Tobirama: hold on

Hashirama: just because he's a u-

Tobirama: your son is fucking a uchiha!

Minato: that's not the point! If you'd gonna date someone your gonna make sure I approve

Naruto: first of all How would you be able to approve of anyone if your dead!

Minato: you never even told me anything when I was on earth

Naruto: it never came up

Minato: it never came up? IT NEVER CAME UP!!!!

Hiruzen: minato our task is done we're about to vanish

Hiroshima: those are the last words you want to share with your son

Tobirama: why don't you cuss out the uchiha

Hiroshima: your not helping Tobirama

Tobirama: it's an u- fuck! I'm not ready to go back!!!!!!!

Minato: (sigh) since y'all are already dating I can't do nothing about it, I love you and goodbye

Naruto: (sighs) you too

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