Part 21

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Naruto's POV you too
I stood there and watched him disappear. Why does it matter that I'm with sasuke? He wasn't even there most of my life, so why does he get to judge who I love.

Sasuke: quit getting so worked up over it

Naruto: how di-

Sasuke: I've been around you for a long time

Naruto: true

Sasuke: come here

I walked over to sasuke sitting on the bed gently.

Sasuke: come cuddle me

Naruto: won't it hurt you?

Sasuke: no

I just stood there for a minute deciding whether I should or not..after a few seconds I slowly laid down beside him cuddling him.

Sasuke: you let shit get to you easily

Naruto: I know

Sasuke: just know that Im here for you, so if there is anything wrong let it out

Naruto: I just....It doesn't matter it's stupid anyway

Sasuke: if you keep it in it'll come back later bitting you in the ass

Naruto: I just don't get how he gets to judge who I like, he wasn't even there for most of my life. The only time we even talked was when he was reanimated which was only twice and he thinks he has the right to judge who I love, it makes no since.

Sasuke: it's unfair yes but it's just what parents do

Naruto: but why I can handle myself

Sasuke: that's true but what if I hurt you, not that I would but what if I did and he knew I was that kind of guy. Who do you think would be the first person to comfort you?

Naruto: not him, he wouldn't even be aliv-

Sasuke: but if he was mother

Sasuke: stop being a smartass

Naruto: okay, okay...he would

Sasuke: exactly

Naruto: I guess your right

Sasuke: I am

Naruto: shut up teme

Sasuke: Hn, better?

Naruto: yeah, but I have a question

Sasuke: what

Naruto: why do you say Hn, what does it even mean?

Sasuke: it's just a uchiha thing

Naruto: oh

Sasuke: I'm going to bed

Naruto: but it's only 1:00

Sasuke: how long do you think I slept

Naruto: oh hehe well then goodni- or good afternoon? Witch one do I use

Not getting an answer I looked at him. He was past out, I would see why though. He woke up early as hell having to fight those guys then fighting more guys, thought of a strategy, witch hurts my brain, and had to fight AGAIN and got injured. Who wouldn't be tired?

Weridly enough I'm not tired. I want to get up but he's too warm!

I layed there for a second before gently removing myself from him and getting up. Once I was on my feet I walked out of the room looking for garra.

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