Chapter XV

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The passage of time hadn't been too kind on everyone who waited for their next move. Michael being ever-so the impatient man he was knew certain procedures had to be taken into his own care. When enough time had passed, he called Franklin again, requesting to meet at one of Sasha's favorite cafe spots: Golden Buns Bakery.

All together two months had passed. It was the best way to meet without raising too much suspicious activity. This included keeping Sasha safe. They worked flawlessly hand in hand. Today also marked Sasha's first conscious meeting with Franklin without being drugged or in a fog. Seeing that Michael involved Frankly of free will, business needed to be discussed.

Sasha was already inside the restaurant as Michael lurked outside waiting a short time for Franklin to arrive. "Michael. Sometimes I have to wonder, dog. Why aren't we meeting up in Los Santos? Why Paleto Bay? Why a place like this?"

Michael actually gave a smirk towards Franklin. "Well. It's not just a place where Sasha and I keep low you know... Ever tried their pumpkin scones? They're delicious."

"Whatever you say, dog. Whatever keeps you happy. There's only so many excuses I can try to fill in when it comes down to your wife though. You should think about coming back home."

"That's why you're here, Franklin. Things need to be set in motion. First, I need to make sure that Sasha is secure before ... before..."

Franklin scratched the back of his head. "You mean you're still playing Bodyguard to that Vercetti Woman? I thought you would have moved on from that by now, man. She's nothing but a magnet. Not saying she's a bad person. Just those who she might attract."

"No mention of the Vercetti Family, Frank. Please. For our sake. Sasha's last name here must be referred to as Reeves."

"My bad, homie. Lead the way."

Michael had been courteous, motioning Franklin through the front doors of the Bakery and through to join Sasha at the furthest corner booth. She appeared to be in a trance, stirring her cream into her coffee. The environment to discuss important matters had been almost perfect. It was late lunch. Where others kept to themselves and few stragglers roamed.

Franklin say opposite of Michael and Sasha. Where Michael pleasantly drew her from the state of deep trance. Sasha smiled, greeting them both. Shaking hands with Franklin there had been a familiar look of acknowledgement from him. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, darlin'." Michael had apologized for the both of them.

Sasha shook her head. "No, it's all right Michael." She extended her greeting towards Franklin being kind and shaking his hand. "I remember you. You're Franklin, right? I saw you when I was still in a fog while in the hospital. It's nice to finally meet your acquaintance outside of... well this personal hell of mine."

"I hear about you all the time from Michael." Franklin teased. "You've had quite a profound effect on the man. I would say you've had more than a positive effect on him."

From under the table, Sasha gripped Michael's knee. Subconsciously Michael had covered her right hand momentarily before waving down the waitress Sasha ordered her coffee from. Their party had ordered their small helpings of what caught their attention. Michael even took it a step further getting everyone a pumpkin scone. Even if the Golden Buns seemed a little out of the way for Franklin, Michael felt obligated to assure him that his time was well spent.

Michael whispered a request from Sasha to continue with matters at hand. "All right, Frank. You promised leads. Were you able to track down anything about what I shared with you about John Marston's Legacy?"

"Shit, dog. Yeah! Why else would I be here? For the scones?" Franklin appeared to have enjoyed himself to a certain degree. As Franklin pulled out a marked and detailed map, Michael ordered some coffee. It was going to be a fun ride. "I followed one of Crawford's Henchmen. Lately they've been all over the city. Multiples, but not very experienced. Feel me? Sure, they could foul the majority of the inexperienced. but not us."

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