Chapter XIX

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When chaos ensnared the city of Los Santos only a select few groups of people there were places others could hole themselves without being noticed by the outside public. Perhaps that or not everyone bought into the media. If there was one advantage Tommy admired about this generation was that everyone was mobile and gradually gained a short attention span.

Yet the small qualities he missed most from others was simple. Patience and loyalty. Ones that could define a personality were like throwing stones in a glass house.

Tommy sat with his son Marcello on the roof terrace of the Vinewood Bowl Cafe. It was properly isolated. He couldn't say there was much of a view with the surrounding mountains. When it came down to simplicity, Marcello had the right idea. Sitting in the shade with a cigarette in his mouth and scoffing at the headlines of today's newspaper.

His eyes glimpsed towards the sun, covering his eyes. Expecting something. "You know they said it was going to rain."

Tommy being blinded by the same sun made him shake his head in disagreement. "Since when does the weatherman predict the weather?"

Marcello folded his newspaper, throwing it onto the table in front of them. "I don't know, Tom. Since the Post Office delivered the same time everyday. Consistency is what everyone is looking for... if that's the answer."

Their conversation shifted as Tommy was shaded by familiar faces. There had been a slight flinch to Tommy. His actions quicker than thought. His legs pushed away the chair he was wrapped around. Taking into his arms his once wounded daughter in his arms. It was hard to interpret that the tears from Sasha were pain or she too was happy to finally see him after months of hiding.

Sasha bore with her father emotions, burying herself in his embrace. "Yeah? What happened with my raging bear of a father? One who was yelling at Michael over the phone? You've always been an emotional man, Tom."

In a slight contradiction, Sasha spoke too soon. "You..." Tommy sighed, getting a good extended admiration of his daughter. "Are a disappointment, Sasha." Panic and fear developed behind his eyes. Still overjoyed with their small reunion. "What the hell were you thinking, baby girl? What-" Tommy gripped Sasha's shoulders. "-the hell were you thinking?!"

"Dad, I-"

"What the fuck were you thinking going after Lance Marston's Legacy knowing Crawford?! This spiraled into a veracious manhunt! Aldrick-"

Michael reached out, breaking Tommy's dismay. Assuring that Tommy would accidentally injure Sasha with physical aversion. "That's enough, Tommy. You don't want to cause a scene."

There had been a mirror self Michael witnessed as Tommy was quick to dismiss Michael's request. Looking over his shoulders to finish his thought process. "It was enough that he was manipulating you, Sasha!"

This was enough to gain the attention of Marcello, standing to attend to his father's trepidation. "Tommy, that's enough." He attempted pulling his dad back down into reality.

"You got yourself shot then decided it was a bright idea to chase after a Family Legacy that none of us know really HOLD any monetary value!"

"DAD!" Marcello and Sasha yelled in unison. It had been a good call as well seeing eyes were starting to notice.

Family values shattered the illusion that they were on the same page. When no one really knew what took place, nor would they have much needed base respect for one another. Tommy listened to his children, resting himself back into his chair at the table. He took his time to allow the dust to settle. Flicking out his stylized zippo, lighting a cigarette. The others soon followed suit joining him at the table. Deescalating the confrontation.

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