Chapter XVII

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The morning sun peaked through the cracks of the metal shack Sasha took refuge in away from direct traffic. If there was one complaint she had was that it had been cooking her skin. It mattered not knowing of her victory. She would take time to recollect her thoughts and return back to Paleto Bay. The down side was her physical strength. Exhaust had defeated her mindset.

All Sasha could find herself to care about was how the Marston Legacy was secure and in her possession. Any following consequences from Crawford or the Vercetti Family alone would arrive at a later date. She could endure emotions. Just not breaking a promise to Lance. Even in death.

Sasha trembled with fear and triumph. Her adrenaline was shot and all she had curled up next to her was the duffel bag of Marston's Family Legacy. Sasha could see Tommy's face now. Ranting and raving about the audacity of her actions. She felt justified without a doubt.

Those thoughts changed as something cold and wet touched her neck. Shock and disorientation flooded her anxiety. Her eyes blinded by the sun. She couldn't make out the silhouette looming over her. "L-Lance?" A distant memory clashing with the present. It took time to decipher. Refocusing she noticed that it had been Franklin. "... But... I covered all my tracks." She mustered together.

Franklin shifted the duffel bag away from Sasha so that he could examine her more carefully. "Yeah, dog. It's her. I found her. She's alive. Kinda out of her mind, but still breathing." He had been talking to someone over the phone. Listening to the next directive. "Yeah. We'll be waiting for you at my place in Vinewood Hills. Drive safe, man."

Franklin gave his full attention to Sasha, hanging up the other end of his phone. "You're one hell of a trouble maker. I think you know that already. I'm here because of Michael. He sent me after your sorry ass."

Franklin didn't have to question what was on Sasha's person. Rather that or it wasn't his deal. Judging the weight of the physical item, the duffel bag was thrown into the back seat of his Bravado Buffalo S. Sports. Having then returned to retrieve Sasha. He took great care in placing her into the passenger side of the car. Even double checking to assure she was still breathing.

Their conversation continued as Franklin loaded himself into the driver's side. Sasha was doing everything in her power to organize her thoughts. She wanted to stay in the present. "Michael? He was the one that found... Is he okay? Is everyone safe? How...?"

"Lester, homie. If you think Michael and I can run everything solo. That's a terrible misconception. Just like you and those who help you out, dog. You're not as smart as you would like to be, Sasha. You were careless." Franklin's answer was brutal, but necessary. Sasha didn't have the capacity to answer that concern. "You could have not only compromised Michael, but your entire family. Hell, you probably already have. What if your mission was considered a bust? Michael would be ..."

Franklin had taken notice that he was talking in awkward silence. Sasha's head was turned away from him. It had been unknown if she was acknowledging the impact of the situation. "Hey are you still with me, homie?" Franklin inquired, taking some extra time at a red light intersection to triple check Sasha was still breathing.

Sasha swiped Franklin's hand away with little strength she had left. "I don't need the lecture, Frank. I'm going to hear enough of it soon enough. From my Dad and Michael."

Franklin had been caught temporarily off guard by Sasha's wording. "Dad? I thought Tommy was your Grandfather."

Sasha gave a laugh through Frank's statement. Nor was she interested in placing up a facade. "What the public or those associated don't know. It's not going to hurt anyone."

"That just raises even more questions. Is Michael aware of your mask that you wear? Tell me is in on the loop. Because if he's not. Then you're just using him, Sasha. Don't be like that."

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