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*Marinette's POV*

"Ok, spill the tea. Why didn't you tell me before, huh? I'm your best friend, you're supposed to tell me these type of things, especially something this important." Alya kept on yelling.

Dammit Adrien! Why did you tell them I'm Ladybug? Why? 

Alya continued, "Why didn't you tell me you finally have a boyfriend?!?" 

Wait what?

"Huh?" I put on a stupid face. I was so confused. 

"Don't you 'huh' me. Girl, I'm so happy for you. Ahhhhh. Luka is the luckiest man alive. OGM!!!" She screamed in my ear and hugged me tight. 

Seriously? All of that stress and me almost fainting  so Alya could come up with that. 


Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved. But Universe, I hate you sometimes. 

"Haha yeah. How'd you know?" We break the hug.

"Juleka told everyone super excited. And I've never seen her like that before!"

"Oh. That explains a lot. Um. Do you know about his, his..." I was struggling to explain what had happened to Luka.

"His condition? Yeah she told us as soon as it happened. We're all here to support him. No worries." Alya comforted.

It feels great to have great friends to rely on. What would I be without them?

"Girl, you also never explain how you suddenly changed from love interest. You never told me why or how." Alya smirked in wonder.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Another strange question from her, I swear I can't with this today. 

"You know. How you suddenly changed your passionate obsession over Adrien, your sunshine boy to sweet Luka." Oh no. How should I answer this?

"Well um I guess I .... I ..... realized I never liked him before and all this time I was denying my feelings towards Luka to try to fanatcize over an unrealistic love that would never work out because we actually had no connection and I do with Luka?" Wow that was a better response than I expected.

"Interesting. Well I'm glad you finally sorted things out. Come on, let's head to class before we're late. " Alya gestured me to follow her into our class. 

We all went in and I immediately sat next to Luka while Alya sat with her boyfriend, Nino. Luka gave me a kiss on my cheek and I blushed trying to hide my face so Alya wouldn't tease me about it.

"Yo dudes, where's my boy Adrien? He hasn't been here all week and hasn't answered his phone. I thought he'd show up today." Nino explained to the three of us concerned. I guess he doesn't know the story, but it's better off this way.

I turn to Nino "I'm not sure. I haven't talked to him." 

He sighed and turned to talk with Alya.

That is interesting, where was he. I mean, not like I care, but ... should I be worried?

"Hello peasants! Your queen has arrived!" Chloe came in the door, as loud and snotty as always. A few guys were staring but the rest of us just turn our attention away. Who'd waste time with that rude rich brat?

"Finally, that lying brat Lila's not here today. I might actually have some mental peace today." She told her best friend Sabrina (more like personal servant she drags around).

Ok, I don't disagree with her on that.

 Lila is the type of person who will brainwash, lie, and manipulate others to get what she wants. Chloe, Adrien, Luka, and I are the only ones we know how she truly is. Everyone else believes her lies.

 I prefer Chloe a million times over Lila, and that means a lot because Chloe and I have been enemies since Kindergarten.

But, where was Lila? She never mentioned "going" somewhere or "meeting" with someone important, and she's always craving attention for her lies. 

First Adrien and now Lila. 

I have a horrible feeling about this. 

*End of chapter*

*to be continued...*

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