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Hyunjin and you met two years ago through a mutual friend, Felix. the three of you became a 'gang' and hung out often after class. ever since the first day, you knew that you liked Hyunjin, but you had no plans of confessing any time soon because 'what if we break up' or 'what if he doesn't feel the same'. but after a year and a half of knowing eachother, you decided to tell hyunjin how you feel about him. thankfully, he felt the same way about you and you started dating.

Since the beginning you could sense that you were NOT ready for this relationship emotionally, but you decided that you shouldn't say anything to Hyunjin about it because he might get mad at you. bottling up your feelings like that did not help the situation, and you noticed yourself feeling less and less happy in the relationship. you feared that you have fallen out of love, and as much as you hated to admit it, deep down you knew it was true. so you decided that it was best if the two of you broke up, but you just needed to find the least painfull way of doing it.

almost a month went by and you were still thinking how to do it, but Hyunjin noticed that something was wrong and asked you to go out with him so you guys could talk it out. "you haven't been really been yourself these past few days y/n... did i, do something?" he asked worryingly "nonononono, don't worry you were, sigh... amazing... its just that-" you realised that if you were going to break up with him, now was the right time. you had decided that the least painfull way of breaking up would be to make him hate you so much that he can't stand being in your presence. even though that will hurt you too, you thought it was the best way to do it at the moment.

"i don't love you anymore." you stated simply, looking straight into his eyes. "wha- y/n what is going on, can we talk about this-" he tried to take your hand but you smacked it away. "there is nothing to talk about, " you said with a psychopathic smile "I'm breaking up with you, and that's final" you said, and started walking home before he could say anything.

you didn't want to look back at him but you knew he was still there, wondering what he did wrong, but the truth is, this was your decision, you felt suffocated by the relationship because you simply weren't mature enough for it. as you walked home you turned on some music and put on your headphones because you couldn't stand the silence that was following you, and once again you pretended that you were not sad at all, that everything is fine, and that you were the happiest that you've ever been.

time skip

its been more than a year since your breakup with Hyunjin. as you two were on non speaking terms, the 'gang' broke up and you were all forced to find new friends, which you found a bit difficult. you had dated a few people since then too, but none of those relationships lasted more than 3-4 weeks. you couldn't say that you didn't miss Hyunjin, you really really missed him, but it was too late now.... right?

just as you passed a small caffe on your daily walk, a familiar face bumped into you. "oh excuse me sir- Hyunjin???" "y/n?" you both questioned. he then pulled you into a tight hug, but a friendly one, not a romantic one... right? "what have you been up to these days, i haven't seen you for like... around a year haha!" he asked cheerfully, and you answered. your geart started pounding faster as you were about to ask him a question, an important one "so do you want to like get a coffee sometime? maybe catch up and whatever...." you looked at him, lowkey flirting.

"hmm, i... think i will pass on that sorry." your heart sank and he seemed to have noticed your change of expression "y/n you broke my heart, i was devastated for MONTHS after our breakup thinking about what i did wrong. for the longest time i blamed myself for the breakup, but only recently have i realised that, nobody is to blame!" he said smiling "we were young and dumb, being in a relationship was NOT a smart move, but hey, everyone makes mistakes! but I'm not making the same mistake of trusting you with my heart again." you didn't know what to say, tears formed in your eyes, but you weren't going to cry, nope, not in front of him. "oh I'm very sorry but i have a meeting, it was nice seeing you y/n." he stated and walked away.

as you looked at him leaving tears started falling from your eyes and all the bottled up feelings were brought back up by one simple encounter. tears streamed down your cheeks like small rivers, and you sat on a bench in a nearby park. there weren't almost any people in the park thankfully, because the tears kept comming.

"are you alright miss?" a guy, not much older than you asked "n-no." you honestly replied "it's going to be okay, nothing is worth this many tears..." he squatted in front of you "just cry it out, and if you need anything I'll be there by the newspaper stand where i work..." you nodded, still sobbing "by the way my name is mingi!" he said while holding out his hand for a handshake "y-y/n." you shook his hand and smiled sincerely. maybe today won't be all terrible after all?

 maybe today won't be all terrible after all?

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this one is a bit sad but here y'all go! sorry if there is any writing mistakes heh...

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