The Transmission

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"Rescue bots, good luc-" Optimus was cut off by a desperate shout in the background.

"Miko, get down. You're going to fall!" A crash was audible in the background of the transmission. "I told you!" The voice groaned.

Optimus turned around, and his optics widened. "I must go. Rescue bots, good luck." The transmission ended abruptly.

Heatwave stared at the screen. His teammates had similar looks of confusion and shock on their faces. After a moment, someone spoke.

"That was odd," Chase stated. "Who is Miko?"

Boulder shrugged. "Maybe one of the humans that Optimus's team is guarding?" He suggested, an unreadable look on his face.

A heavy sigh followed. "Miko is one of the humans that Optimus's team is protecting. Apparently, she's rambunctious and a daredevil." Heatwave was trying not to laugh now.

"She fell off of something?!" Blades screeched, looking terrified. "But humans are so...squishable!"

I'm aware this is terrible, it just popped into my head and I had to write it. I can totally imagine Blades panicking over humans falling though XD

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