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Optimus ended the transmission, and turned around.


"Yes?" The orange and white medic groaned, looking up from fixing the GroundBridge.

"What is autism?" he questioned.

The medic sighed. "I've heard that word before. Are you referring to humans?"

"Yes," the Prime replied. "Would you mind explaining it? I am trying to understand a human that found out about us."

A look of surprise flitted across his face, then it was gone. "Another human in this area?"

"YES!" Miko cheered, jumping up and dancing.

Optimus closed his optics and took a moment to compose himself. "No, not here. On Griffin Rock. Where Heatwave's team is."

"Awww," Miko groaned, plopping down on the couch again. Ratchet rolled his bright blue optics, annoyed by Miko's antics.

"I will explain. Autism is a condition in humans where communication and interaction are difficult. It can also include restricted interests, and it is not the same in any two humans. One human could function almost completely normally, while the other might be unable to speak and require assistance for their entire life," Ratchet explained. "How severely is this human affected?"

Optimus thought for a moment. "She didn't speak, and was very in tune to small details and noises. To communicate, she typed words into a tablet and they were read aloud."

Ratchet sighed again. "That sounds to be on the severe end. I would be cautious around her." He looked thoughtful for a moment, then headed over to the computer monitors that were against the wall. "I'll research more."

"Thank you, old friend." Optimus smiled slightly, and moved onto his next task.


The transmission ended.


Optimus turned around.


"Yes?" The medic groaned.

"What is autism in humans?" The Prime questioned, looking stoic as usual.

"I've never heard that word before," the medic stated, sounding annoyed. "May I get back to work?"

Optimus sighed slightly. "Ratchet, old friend, this is important. I am trying to understand what Heatwave and his team are dealing with." In the background, someone perked up.

"I know what autism is!" A voice declared from over in the corner. Optimus turned his head. One of the humans had spoken.

It was Rafael, but he went by Raf. Only 12 years old, he was youngest of the three humans there, shy, and didn't speak much. However, he had exceptional computer skills. Each human had a guardian. His was Bumblebee, who communicated through beeps and whirl. Raf was the only human who could understand him.

"What is autism in humans?" Optimus asked again.

Raf had on a thoughtful face. "It's hard to explain. Sort of like your brain is different, so you can't help what happens to you," he explained. "I don't have a great answer, let me see what the web says." The Prime waited patiently.

"Oh! Okay, I can try to explain now. Autism is a developmental disorder, though I don't know exactly what that means. It can include trouble communicating, restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and a lot more. Autism is different for everyone, meaning some people can't talk, and some people are pretty much normal. Oh gosh, that description was weird," Raf finished. He shot a worried glance at Optimus. "Did that mostly make sense?"

Optimus sort of made a face, then settled for a small nod. "Thank you for your assistance." Raf beamed.

"Anytime!" He replied, bouncing excitedly.

*I'm aware I haven't published the story that this is the behind the scenes from yet*

Tiny behind the scenes from what I imagined happened after Heatwave called Optimus and told him about Aurora. Okay, not tiny, it grew. I've recently become obsessed with Transformers Prime again, had to throw this in here. Let me know if I should do more stuff like this! Also, which was your favorite? In the first idea, Ratchet explains, and in the second, Raf does. I'm not sure which one to write in, if I add one in at all. I think my favorite is the original, let me know what you think!

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