Creative Block

188 11 3

TW: Crying, sick Remus and Roman, vomiting (not graphic).

So one of my head canons is that whenever Thomas experiences any kind of creative block, both Roman and Remus get incredibly sick until it passes.

This is just a short 500 word ficlet, but please enjoy.

Also drew a new cover for the book.


Remus wakes up with a pounding headache. His limbs are heavy and his vision blurry. He sits up only to regret almost immediately, as he's hit with a strong wave of nausea and dizziness. He clamps a hand over his mouth and waits for it to pass.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually Remus is confident enough that he won't puke to take a look around. He's in his room, on the hard floor. Guess he must have passed out here yesterday. He groans, or at least tries to. His throat is dry and scratchy, and already incredibly sore.

Remus is slowly able to stand up on his wobbly legs, forcing away the dizziness. He takes one step forward and is overcome by nausea again. Fortunately, he makes it to his bathroom before collapsing in front of the toilet as yesterday's diner empties itself from his stomach.

The acrid taste in Remus' mouth is so disgusting even he can't find himself enjoying it. He tries to spit it out, but his mouth is still too dry. Water. Water's a good idea.

Remus attempts to stand up and get the glass by the sink. No such luck. His limbs are shaking and heavy. He can barely lift up his arms. It's as if some invisible force was pushing him down, keeping him on the tiled floor.

He could try calling Janus for help... But he can't bother him, Janus is busy. He doesn't need to be stuck taking care of Remus!

And the others? None of them would care. Maybe Roman, but he's most likely going through the same thing. Does he know Remus gets sick too? Does he know and yet choose to ignore it? Roman is probably in a nice soft bed, being fed hot homemade soup. He's always wondered what Patton's cooking tastes like...

Remus is sure he'll never get to try it though. I mean why would anyone make him soup? If anything the others should be happy he's sick. He can't be a bother to anyone when he's like this.

Remus vomits again into the toilet bowl. He winces.

It's fine. Remus sighs. He's fine.

And it could always be worse, right? Imagine if the others found him like this? Or worst of all, Janus? He'd never be able to look Janus in the eye again. He's the Duke! He's supposed to be the villain! What kind of villain is so weak he can't stand up? Or crying over a stupid headache?

His breathing is shallow as his body is wracked with violent shivers, and yet it is so, so hot. His head is pounding against his skull, as if yelling to be let out this meat prison. His surroundings all blur together, the only thing he can make out is the cold tile flooring and the acid on his tongue.

Cold tile flooring. It's so nice. Maybe he could lay down for a bit. Just a few minutes. Then he'll get back to work.

Remus lays down, curling up in on himself. Before he knows it, he's pulled back into another restless sleep.

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