White Camillias

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Omg, sorry! School is demanding a lot of time and effort from me so I haven't gotten to work on anything for this.

This is an elegy I wrote for English class. (I'm really not good at poetry but I thought I'd still give you guys at least something to read.) Its not explicitly about Remus but it is based off of the 'Never Again' one shot.

I'd really appreciate feedback and tips!


I can't breathe,
Thorns tearing at my lungs.
Each time you look away,
My chest takes another knife.

I can't breathe,
Watching you laugh.
Every smile is a bolt of lightning,
Electricity burns through me.
I cry out but you won't hear.
I'm surrounded by suffocating walls,
Forcing myself away.

I can't breathe,
White camellias in place of a heart.
Vines around my neck.
Thorns pierce my skin.

I can't breathe,
But I don't mind.
Your smile lights up the room,
The flowers bloom in your presence.
I can't stand the pain,
But I will for you.

I can't breathe,
But gladly and without regret,
I give myself to you.

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