The Scariest Story

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There are many stories out there that are meant to terrify and frighten the viewer. Such as tales of creature hiding in out closets and monsters lurking under our beds. Some stories consist of tall men in the woods, or serial killers out for blood and murder. There's even stories that seem not even a slight bit scary, but when it's 12:00 at night and you're trying to sleep, that small paragraph you read seems like the most horrifying thing you've ever had the decency to skim. And your skin starts to get goosebumps and any small sound you hear makes your heart beat faster and faster, too afraid to even move, let alone breathe. Just remember though, no matter how many tales of gore, demons, and morbid plots there are on the internet, the most scary and terrifying story that we've heard of is reality itself. Think about how true that actually is.

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