Artificial Twilight

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The setting sun dips her rosy fingers

Between the staggered gaps

Of glass-grey skyscrapers

That blink open with eyes of technological light.

As night falls, windows show the silhouettes of people


Their minds sleeping beneath

The mounds of content

Entertainment, literature, actions echoed by fiction and real-life television

The glorified picture of what we could be

In our imagination.

Trace the constellation

Of human electricity

From the darkness of space

A flickering gold web

Will show information moving at the speed of light

Mimicking the mortal life

At the stove, at the desk, in bed

Until media wraps a blanket around the hive mind

Half-asleep at twilight

Half-awake, watching


If not creating, then at least, there is no bleeding

The sweat and tears

That waltzes on midnight rooftops



Entertaining the masses. 

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