Not doing well

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Authors Note:
Hello everyone! This is my first book and my first Marina story! Please go easy on me! All feedback, comments,suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If you have any story ideas you'd like to see wrote up please feel free to let me know over on twitter @DrBishopDeLuca. Id be happy to write any one shots!

Happy reading 💛


It's cold Carina notes as she walks towards the small coffee stand opposite Grey Sloan. It's 7am and another 18 hour shift looms above her like a rain cloud. The intern program at the hospital is relentless , piles of paperwork and surgerys with very little sleep. She stands at the crossing waiting for the small green man when she spots her. The short blonde she sees every morning, a cap pulled low on her brow and her hand clenched. Carina can see the tension in her body, a small bruise on her knuckles, the way she watches everyone around her, anticipating an attack that never comes.

Carina is brought back to reality by the beeping of the cross walk. She arrives at the coffee stand and orders her usual. An espresso and a pastry. Just like every day since she's noticed the blonde she pays for her order, making sure to pay a little more just in case. The blonde makes it to the cart placing her order hastily. She swings her backpack to her front to retrieve her wallet only to be told there is no balance to pay. She looks up to see Carina putting her purse back into her bag. They catch each other's eye. Carina's eyes quickly dart to a large cut on her bottom lip. There's no thank you or acknowledgement of the items, they share a shy smile before the blonde turns around and walks away.

The short walk to the hospital is her favourite part of the day. The winter sun turns the building into a magical site. The orange hues cast a kaleidoscope of colour across the glass, the bold letters glitter like diamonds against the grey exterior. She takes one last look at the building before making her way inside and sliding into an elevator to the intern's locker room. She enters the shared space,greeting a few of her classmates and opening her locker. She kisses two fingers and presses them to the picture of her mama and brother inside. Life hadn't always been easy for the trainee doctor. On the outside it looked like the perfect childhood. Long days on the beach, home cooked meals and dance lessons in the small Sisilian towns outdoor theatre. However, behind closed doors was a father who belittled her, who was aggressive towards her mother and had pushed her to breaking point. This resulted in her brother moving to the US with her mother. While Carina stayed behind to look after her father.

After they left Carina has never felt so alone. Her father took out his frustrations on her. Not in a physical way but in the venom in his voice. He would often tell her that she wasn't smart enough, wasn't pretty enough or perfect enough. Before Carina's 14th birthday he was diagnosed as having bipolar, at least now there was reasoning behind his outbursts. However, this brought on a whole new set of challenges. Getting him to take his medication and stick to the rules. These things had never come easily to the aging man.

As she pulled on her scrub top her mind travelled back to the girl as the coffee cart. A small smile gracing her lips. She raised her eyes to the ceiling wondering how she spent her day and praying she was safe from the world that had hurt her.

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