I've Spent My Life Looking For You

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So I started this fanfic back in 2021 but only just got my confidence back with writing! I'm aiming to update once a week starting now.
Christmas comes around fast. The city takes on a new identity. Christmas lights are strung across every street light, the slushy snow makes the pavement crunch underfoot and the bitter cold bites through the warm layers the people of the city use to defend themselves. They still haven't spoken a single word to each other. However, Maya has been trying to catch her eye a lot more and small, barely noticeable smiles have been passed between them. Carina's rounds seem endless. A constant stream of expecting moms keeps her busy.During this time of year the chief of the hospital, Dr. Bailey is busily recruiting her team to help run the clinic at the local fire house. Carina had put her name on the list on the reception notice board to help countdown the days and hours until she went back to Italy. 14 days. 168 hours to be exact.

Carina is sat in the cafeteria updating charts when Dr.Bailey bursts into the room, running over to her table.

"Dr.DeLuca! Please tell me you can help with the clinic tomorrow night?"

"It depends on exactly what I have to do? I've packed all the resource packs and I covered for Amelia yesterday. So what else can I possibly do?" She asks not looking up from the charts

"Can you possibly cover for me? Tomorrow night?" Dr.Bailey sees the look of exasperation on her face. " Just one more night please, Teddy has a surgery and Amelia is covering on Saturday and I'm letting you use my MRI machine for the masterbation study......"

'Fine! Fine! Just one more shift and then I'm taking my name off the list."

Carina sits at the back of the firehouse. The small makeshift cubicle doing little to stop the chill sweeping through the barn. It's minus four and even under her four layers of clothing she is still cold. Many of the people who have come in tonight have been homeless. They come in with various sprains and cuts , they're thankful for the service and just thank her with a shy smile. Some stay for a little longer wanting to chat, thankful to be out of the cold. Carina enjoys this part of the job the most. Hearing people's stories, being able help them lose some of their fears of doctors and hospitals and even at various times in her shift being their shoulder to cry on.

It's ten minutes until the end of her shift when she spots her, the familiar denim jacket and the hat pulled low to her brow. The girl keeps reaching for the door handle before pulling away and pacing the length of the small entryway. Carina can see she looks nervous, the internal struggle within her head playing out across her delicate features. Carina takes a seat on the black computer chair, packing her bag slowly. She hears the door shut with a thud and a pair of white trainers appear in her eye line.

"Take a seat." She says quietly.

As the small blonde sits gingerly, Carina risks a quick look up. She can see the reminisce of a bruise above her eye, it's yellow and light brown in place but the swelling still seems to be there. A large plaster covers a cut on her forehead, the blood seeping through and her little finger is haphazardly strapped to her neighbouring finger. Carina starts retrieving stitches and tape from the multiple boxes next to the desk.

Maya watches her from the corner of her eye. Her head is a battlefield. A part of her wants to run, to get off the chair and leave the tall brunette on her own. The other part of her wants to stay. Partly to get to know the woman she meets every morning but also to get the medical help she so desperately needs. Her head hurts and she can't bend her finger without a wave of nausea flooding her senses but she is aware of the danger. The danger that this girl could hurt her. One lost race, trying to stick up for herself, bad grades, putting on weight all ended with a beating, each one getting progressively worse. Eyes forward at all times, that's what her dad always said. She turns her head to look into the brown eyes of the girl.

"We need to stop meeting like this bambina," Carina says softly, chuckling. The breath Maya has been holding leaves her chest at the sound. She never heard anything as pure as that.

Carina reaches for the plaster on her forehead, she seeks a silent permission, she is quietly granted.

"That tends to happen when you buy my coffee order every morning". She fires back, wincing slightly.

Carina can see the slight smile that appears even though it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

" Thank you by the way... for... for the coffee. It helps make my days that little bit brighter"

Carina takes off her gloves, the cut on the blonde's head now neatly stitched up. She reaches forward taking Maya's right hand and slowly starts to take off the tape.

"You're welcome, it's nice to be able to share my breakfast with someone, you don't really get to do that when you're a student."

Maya watches in awe as she winds new white tape across her finger. The lack of movement she has helps with the pain. She takes a shaky breath as the Italian let's go of her hand. She passes her a small medical box with fresh dressings, painkillers and some small plasters. They sit looking at each other neither wanting to break the new found friendship. Carina watches a wave of feelings pass through the ocean blue eyes, the blue turning grey every now and again. The sound of the door shutting breaks the temporary quiet moment.

Carina hears a voice from the reception area asking for help. Maya jumps at the voice clutching the pack to her chest, her eyes flickering around the room.

"I....I.....I better go it seems like someone might actually need some help" She says pointing at the door.

"Bambina, it's okay, look at me. Look at me" Carina asks, watching her eyes finally land on her own.

"I'm Carina by the way. Dr.Carina DeLuca".

"Maya. Maya Bishop. I'll see you tomorrow? She asks with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Of Course Maya Bishop"

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