I Hope You Are Safe - Part 1

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The next morning both women can feel a shift in their unconventional relationship. It's 7am when Maya notices the tall brunette from the small metal table next to the cart and eagerly waves. Carina smiles back and waves Maya feeling her heart rate quicken. She's not too familiar with the feeling but she guesses this is what falling in love must feel like. The butterflies in her stomach, a dry mouth and her heart beating out of her chest are a surprising reaction to a girl she barely even knows. When she looks up again Carina is stood in front of her a small smirk gracing her lips, pointing at the two coffees and pastries on the table.

"You beat me to it Maya."

Maya chuckles. Carina sits in the chair next to her and she immediately freezes. This is the first time in a long time that anyone has sat with her, she can't remember the last time she shared a coffee with anyone. Maya carefully pushes the large paper cup and brown bag across the table.

"I didn't think you'd come." Maya says shyly, cradling the warm cup in between both hands.

"We've been doing this everyday for three months Maya, why wouldn't I be here?"

Maya takes a minute before answering.

"Well after last night...... all the bruises and blood and the slight freak out when that guy came in. It was a lot and I'd understand if you didn't want to do this whole, well whatever this is" She spits out, pointing between them.

"Bambina" Carina interrupts. "You came in last night because you needed help and I'm grateful that you did. I'm not going to pretend like I understand exactly what is going on and I hate the thought of you being hurt but there's absolutely no judgement. Between you and me your the first 'friend' I've made since I moved to Seattle and right now were just two friends having breakfast together"

Maya searches Carina's face for any sign of hesitation or lie but she finds none. Know one has ever looked her in the eye and told her that they understand or at least that they would want to. She takes a shaky breath. Begging the tears not to fall. Eyes forward.

"We're friends now? Maya smirks


Carina shakes her head smiling and they settle down into comfortable silence while they eat their breakfast. From her view of the blonde in her eyeline she starts to understand what Maya has said earlier. Her eyes constantly flicker, watching everyone around her. There's a slight tremble in her body whenever she hears a raised voice, even though it is undirected at her. She picks at the skin around her thumb, the angry red standing out upon her pale skin. Carina all of a sudden feels protective. She wants to take her away from anything or anyone that has ever hurt her and show her how amazing she really was. She can feel Maya's eyes watching her and a hint of concern knitted across her forehead.

"Can I ask what happened last night? Who hurt you?"

Maya's body suddenly goes tense. Carina waits patiently for an answer. She doesn't want to push Maya but she wants to know how prepared she should be for the next time something like this happens. Maya takes a long breath, picking a worn paint mark on the table to focus on.

"My dad. He. He's training me for the Olympics and on top of that I have the fire academy. You know, for when I'm too old to run anymore. If I don't win a race or I don't beat my time he makes me run home within a certain time. Usually a couple of hours but we can be miles from home and he knows I'd never make it. So when I eventually turn up he does this. If I try to fight back or cry he just beats me harder. It's not just the racing. Not being top at the academy, eating too much,putting on weight, being distracted can end in a beating and it's getting worse every time."

Carina can hear the tiredness in her voice. She knows she will never quite understand what she's going through and she can feel the anger bubbling with in her.

" Well I think you're worth so much more. Sei Forte, Sei Tenace. vai a illuminare la tua luce, bella.I want you to know that if he hurts you again you come to the hospital and ask for me or if you're scared you come right to this table the next morning and let me help".

Maya feels a mixture of relaxed and overwhelmed. The minute the brunette spoke in her native language she felt herself relax, the tension she had been holding working it way out her muscles. This feeling was immediately replaced by overwhelming . She can't ever remember feeling anything but worthless, but this girl actually thinks she is worth something and that makes her feel a warmth she hasn't felt, ever. She wants Carina to help but she can feel the fear rising in her chest, the anxiety making it hard to breathe at the prospect of being hurt again.

"Maya '' Carina whispers, placing her hand on the woman's thigh.

"Please don't hurt me."

"I promise bambina, I just want to help you. If you ever want me to stop or back off or even need space then that's fine. No pressure."

Maya slowly places her hand over Carian's, enjoying the warmth of her touch. Carina untangles their hands, turning her palm upwards. She watches her face carefully looking for any sign that she is uncomfortable. Maya immediately connects their palms.

"Is this okay?"

Maya nods, not trusting herself to speak. Carina raises her other hand and places it carefully onto her cheek. She feels Maya jump at the contact and sweeps her thumb across her cheek. Maya leaning into the touch. A small tear leaving a track on the opposite cheek.

"You're safe. Bella, you're safe."

"Thank you"

"I've got to go." Carina whispers

Although in truth she could sit there all day holding onto Maya like her life depended on it. She stands to her feet, watching as Maya's body becomes rigid again.

" I promise we can do this again tomorrow and everyday after".

Without thinking she drops her lips to the other woman's head, leaving a small kiss in its path.

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