When Nothing Really Matters....

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Maya doesn't sleep or if she does it doesn't feel like it. She woken abruptly by her dad banging on her bedroom door, shouting threats through the tired wood. She sit's up quickly eager to stop the pounding, a burning in her ribs throws her backwards. There's definitely a crack she thinks. She makes it to the door and opens it.

"You have 10 minutes"

She nods slowly as he walks way. She catches herself in the small mirror above her bed, a deep cut blemshes her upper lip, the metallic taste of blood still lingering on her tongue. Last night evens flood her mind like a damn bursting its banks.

She was sat at the table enjoying a home cooked meal. A platter of roast chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables with a steaming jug of gravey. Just like every night, her dad had filled her plate, making sure that it was perfectly portioned. Her strict regime for her running carrier taking over every aspect of her life. Without even thinking Maya reached across to the bowl of mashed potatoes. Suddenly her dad slammed his fists against the wooden table, breathing heavily through his flared nostrils.

He quietly picked up the bowl throwing it against the sage green cabinets. As the fractured bowl hit the floor, he grabbed the back of Mayas running shirt. Pulling her up harshly to her feet. He struck her once across the face, the force snapping her neck back. That's all it took for him to unleash his full power. He threw closed fists at every available part of her body, the blonde curled into herself, the action doing little to stop his attack.

After what felt like hours he finally stopped, walking away from her broken figure that was now hunched over the dining room table. She looked up and found her mum's eyes. She quickly looked away, removing herself from the table. Maya stubbled towards the  stairs, every step causing a burst of pain through her weary bones. Once she made it to her bedroom she finally collapsed on to the bed.

"2 minutes Maya"

Her fathers thundering voice broke her from her trance. She quickly pulled on her running gear, grabbing a cap from the back of her door. She found a discarded hoody on the floor and grabbed her jacket and backpack before taking one last look in the mirror. A single tear running down her cheek.


Maya looks up at the clock on the tall Seattle building.
7.am. She's already been up 3 hours and a 12 hour training day at the fire academy looms. She stands at the crossing, impatiently waiting for the small green man when she spots her. The tall brunette she sees every morning. Her hair is tied up in a messing bun, small curls framing her face. Her long tan jacket skims her curves perfectly and the morning sun dances off of the thin rings on her fingers.

Maya is brought back to reality by the beeping of the crosswalk. She snakes her way through the mass of people making her way towards the small coffee stand.  She throws her backpack across her front, stating her usual order while searching for her wallet. Her coffee and toast is placed  infront of her as the young man informs her there is no balance to pay. She already knows the source of the mystery coffee buyer, every morning for the last two months her balance had been settled by the mysterious brunette.

She looks up to see her putting her purse back into her bag. They catch each other's eye. She notices her brown eyes instantly finding the cut on her lip. There's no thank you or acknowledgement of the items, they share a shy smile before the blonde turns around and walks away. A small smile gracing her lips.

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