- chapter 2 -

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Author's POV

"Wookjin-Iced Americano and iced vanilla latte!" Hera shouts even though there's nobody here except the two guys she served. Which is the guy with the sweater vest and his younger friend with leather jacket, Wookjin. Which happens to get his drinks by the cashier.

Wookjin walked to the pickup counter and smiles at her. Hera then smiles back at him and give him the carton bags full of two kinds of drinks, while quickly put the frappe in the other carton bag. Leaving two empty spots (only one needed) for another drink.

"Please wait for the Oreo milkshake sir" she smiles and while waiting for the milkshake that Jay makes, she then quickly make her way to prepare the cakes.

"I'll wait here" Wookjin said and staring at her presence who grabs all the cardboards to put the cakes in. She just smiles back at him and continue to prepare. Slightly ignoring him.

He looks at her movements, he noticed how fast her pace was. "You moves so fast, take it easy-there's only us though" he said and chuckled.

She then manages to answer him back but still focus with the cakes "It's my habit sir, we always have a lot of costumers and this is how we always do" she answered without looking at him.

"Damn must be very busy huh?" He asked and leaning his chin to his right hand. She just smiles and answered back "we always been busy sir"

"Then this place must be very famous?" Someone's from behind Wookjin asked. You know him, he is Taeyeob. He walked to them just a second ago, being as curious as he is.

"Oh sir you don't need to wait here, your drinks and cakes are almost done! but yeah this place is really famous even before I worked here" she answered while slicing the cakes and put them in the cardboard boxes.

"Here's your frappe young mans" Jay said half enthusiastic and go back to his counter. "You are famous in this morning too, Song Hera" he said while walking back.

She just grinned "whatever Jay" and takes all the boxes full of cakes then bring it to the pickup counter, which is in front of the two guys.

"Here's your cakes and the one and only Oreo milkshake" she said and put the Oreo milkshake inside the carton bag. She gives them the boxes and bags, then smiles once again.

"All your orders are done sir, thank you and have a nice day!" she said and the two guys just smiles and nodding thank you at her.

Taeyeob starting to walk away, while Wookjin didn't move, and look at her "I will have a nice day thanks to you Ms. Hera" he smiles and wink then start to walk away too.

She is slightly confused by what he meant, but hey that means they're satisfied! Good job Hera!

Taeyeob stop at his track while glaring at his younger friend with disgusted face and look back at her while whispering 'sorry'. She just nod her head and smiles once again.

"Please come back again sir!" She said, finally! She could rest her face while looking at her two handsome customers who just left the Café.

"Phew that was tiring to smiles all the way through the conversation Jay!" She said and walks to her partner and have her welcomed with a nice warm coffee latte that Jay made.

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