Chapter one - Chaton

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Marinette lives in the dumps of Paris' least popular part of town, being the baker's daughter she didn't have much money to spend on anything really. She was always sowing and loved wearing pretty clothes, but people thought it was stolen. So, if she wore them, her clothes got ripped off of her by the noble people owing this land. One of them is mostly known by her name; Chloe Bourgoeis, but Marinette and her best friend, Alya, know her as "The evil witch". So, Instead she was wearing old rags and whatever dirtiest clothes she could find, but her dream was to become a seamstress.

"Marinette, there's a costumer! Stop daydreaming or we won't get any costumers." Marinette heard the voice of her mother and noticed she was almost dozing off. She looked upp and saw a man in a dark coat with a hood hiding most of his features. He was looking around in the small shop so Marinette stood up and brushed off any dirt that had gotten on her skirt.

"May I help you, sir?" The man seemed startled by her presence, almost like he hadn't even noticed she was there.

"Um... I'm just, looking around." He didn't even look at her when he spoke but he could see big green eyes for bearly a second. He seemed tall and of good shape, what if he's a thief?!

"You're not gonna steal anything, are you sir? I've grown up in this part of town and I know how to bring down any theif no matter how big he is." He snickered a bit and she was just weirded out. "Sir, if you're not gonna buy anything I will kindly ask you to leave."

"Of course." He now turned toward her and she froze for a moment. He was the most handsome being she had ever seen before. His green eyes were even more enticing than she could even imagine and his blond hair looked so soft at the touch she could just- "I'll take a new baked croissant if that's okay."

"Yea, sure I'll just- wait... What's a croissant?" She had heard that word before somewhere but she didn't remember from where or by who.

"You're I luck young gentleman, this is my first time baking them and I hope they're to your liking." Marinette's dad came out from behind her with these delicious looking pastries with a fine crust and some being chocolate filled.

"Thank you sir, I'll take two. One for me and one for this beautiful young lady." She looked over at the man and he was holding a small smile on his lips. He is a gentleman, huh?

"Thank you but I'm his daughter and I bet I'd get one even if-"

"You wouldn't darling. These were really hard to make and they cost 10 Julius each. Do you have that kind of money, sir?" My dad looked suspiciously at the man standing behind me and my eyes were about to come out of their soles.

The man stepped forward and gave my father the 20 Julius he requested. "Here you go." If I say Marinette and her dad were shocked to the core, that would be an understatement. 20 Julius?! She had barely seen the 30 ones in my parents' box of savings in the back - and this man takes them out like it's no big deal. The luring smell of the delicious pastries brought Marinette out of her thoughts.

"You're croissant, M' lady."

"I'm sorry sir, but I cannot accept this. You should just take the 10 Julius and use them for something useful, like clothes or food or-" the man smiled down at her and she felt her knees weaken.

"I have enough clothes at home and food is no problem for me. If you're not going to take the croissant I'll just have to give you the money. I have no place to keep these 10 Julius and I was gonna spend them either way on useless artifacts when I came upon this lovely bakery." He held up the coins and handed them to her but she refused.

"I'm so sorry sir but I-"

Her dad interrupted her "Marinette, accept the gift of this young man here. You're not supposed to reject a gift, it's bad luck." Marinette looked at her dad and he looked at her sternly and when she turned back to the man he had already put the coins in her breast pocket and was almost out of the door.

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