Chapter three - on patrole

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Marinette looked at herself in the mirror. She was clothed in an all-red cloak with black spots over it, it also had a hood and on top of her eyes was a mask. She tried to take the clothes off but they didn't budge. It was magic! Her feet were clothed in red army boots which looked really nice. She observed the fabrics and saw that they looked REALLY fancy. Ahe had never seen such silk and sturdy material before, only in her dreams.

"Wow!" Her weapon was a bow and arrow. Good for her they had some classes in archery at school. When she took the bow out it was like a new sense of control was set upon her. It was like this now had been a part of her all her life. From what Tikki told her this small golden locket would be used both to contact her partner and capture the Akuma and make it evil no more.

Marinette jumped out of the window with a new kind of power: she could parkour over the rooftop and didn't even feel tired. She jumped some more and went up to the fancier part of town. Mari had never been to this part of town, she had only seen it from a distance, so to see it now was spectacular but also... A bit disappointing. She had always dreamed of it being so amazing and beautiful but seemingly that's only what people wanted to think. All of a sudden a flash of black was seen coming from beside her. And there was her partner.

"You must be the one my kwami told me about." The cat-like man told her and bowed down beside her. She was shooked of the manners of this man. "I'm... Cat noir, Yea; Cat noir. And you are?"

Cat noir was clothed almost exactly like Ladybug, except his clothes were black and dark green, and his clothes were a bit looser on his body since they were made for a man and not a woman.

When Marinette was gonna speak she accidentally dropped her bow. "I'm Ma- madly clumsy."

"That's okay! I'm kinda new to the ropes too." He said taking out his short sword which could extend however he liked. "What's your name then, fair maiden?"

"I'm...uh, Ladybug?"

"Ladybug? What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Ladybug blushed a little but was then distracted by a crash coming from her side of town.

"Seems like the best part of town needs our help!" She said smirking a bit knowing it's literally the dumps.

"You think that's the best? You have no standard of perfection, do you?" He looks back at me starting to jump on the buildings.

"Oh, I know what perfection is. The prince, of course."

The black cat stopped in his tracks and she looked at him confusedly. He must know that every girl in Paris has a crush on the prince, right? If only you knew, Marinette, if only you knew...

"You like the prince?" He started to run again over the rooftops.

"Of course, doesn't every girl in Paris?"

"True, it's just that you're so special." He said with a wink towards her and she just rolled her eyes slightly.

"Come on, now! Paris needs us." They both smile at each other and run on top of rooftops towards the chaos. Neither of them knew why they were there not how this all came to be, but this was the start of a new era. An era of life and death, an era of destruction and creation, an era of love and hate, but most importantly: the era of Prince Adrien Agreste and seamstress Marinette Dupain Cheng.

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Who is this lady? She seems so self-confident and while I thought she would be sophisticated she is very... Daily? It's not an insult, it's just she talks to me with puns and words I've never heard before, and with a tone so friendly it is like we have been friends for years.

Adrien's thoughts were running around when fighting this Akuma, all he could think about was this new sensation of being free and this lady. She was so different than any lady he had met before. Every woman (and some men) wanted to be his consort or for him to court them, though none of the ladies in Paris had taken over his thoughts like this one. A lady who can fight? Who can shoot a bow and arrow and not only protect herself but the whole capital from a monster like this one? That's what a real lady looks like to him, a lady he wouldn't mind courting. (Courting is like dating, just always in the presence of others and during the season.)

Not long into their first fight, both of the heroes filled their big shoes. Ladybug found the routine of getting an arrow out of her small satchel (which was always filled to the brim no matter how many she used) easier as the battle started to come to an end. She had used her lucky charm and all had gone well, or as well as it could go. The charm was never really what you wanted and in many cases not what you needed, but it always found itself useful in one way or another.

For Chat, it was much easier. From the moment he could swing his arms around he had a sword in his hands. Of course, this one was made of magic while that one was wood, but you get what I mean. His sword fighting skills shooked ladybug, she thought he would be as inexperienced as she was, but still happy one of them knew half of what they were doing.

He really started to like this, being able to actually do something for his country and city, instead of just sitting in a classroom learning the theories of everything. This was real life, nothing he had learned could replace this, this was going to be very useful for him when becoming king. He would know the seriousness of war and what was at stake putting people out to fight for him.

Was this all a part of why the person who had given Adrien and Marinette their miraculous and not to somebody else? Maybe. But what they don't know is that he only sees two people who is perfect for each other and with a kind heart. He doesn't care if they are King or homeless, they helped him and therefore have the makings of a hero.

Does this all make sense? I hope it does because from here everything will continue to grow. Will you come on this tale with me. I hope you will; we will see and hear peculiar things, fight villains and see heroes getting hurt, and hopefully see some friends become lovers. This is the tale of Ladybug and Cat Noir, and it's only just begun.

"Pound it," both of them say as they join in their fist together. Cat noir smiles at the lady and can almost see their future together, fighting villains and being together until death pulls them apart. That's at least what he hopes, and his lady does the same.

"Until next time, my lady!" He salutes her and jumps away towards the castle. She just giggles a bit and runs the separate way, hoping this will never end.


I just want to make it clear; I do not owe any of the characters or the basic plot (they fight hawkmoth and try to fall in love), but the setting in time is my doing. ANY fanart I am using is NOT mine. I am horrible at drawing and ALL credit goes to owners. If you have drawn anything I use, ask me and I will take it down or give you all credit.

I love every one of you and have a blessed rest of your day. Please vote, comment, and maybe think about adding to your reading list! Love you, and I'm out!

Words: 1362

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