Chapter five - Combat with the prince

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She stood in the middle of all the men there. What she didn't notice was that everyone was looking at her outfit, but what she did notice was that she was the only lady there. She hadn't had time to do anything with her hair earlier, so she took them out of her traditional pigtails, and put it up in a ponytail at the top of her head. She looked around and didn't see anyone who could be the prince. Right at that second the coach of the combat team stood on top of a small "stage" and captured everyone's attention.

"Welcome everybody, even though I wish we could take all of you into our program that is not possible. We have three free spots this year, two of which belonged to men who were too much of a coward to continue and one of prince Adrien who instead this year is going to help tutor you- where is that boy, he's supposed to be here by now."

He mumbled that last part but all of us looked to the side when a big set of doors opened and revealed the one and only prince Adrien Agreste who- wait... Chaton?! Is Chaton... The prince?!

Marinette was lost for words. Not a lot of people had ever seen the prince in person, and there were no paintings since King Gabriel wanted to wait 'till he was of age. All of the people who were trying out, except for Marinette, started to whisper but the coach silenced everybody.

"I don't want you to think that only because you know someone of high standing we will let you in. We go only on these three things: number one; skills, number two; self-control, and number three; confidence. We will have you all in groups of two and two and start combating with the first skill: fencing! We will be using fencing swords today, but you will learn how to combat with real swords one day if you are lucky enough to be a part of our team. So! Two and two!"

The coach stopped talking and people started to group up as he had said. All the while Marinette's eyes couldn't leave Adrien. She couldn't believe he was the prince, she wasn't even mad he had lied! He winked at her and she blushed and turned towards the other people when she saw they were un-even numbers. "It seems like we are uneven! You," he pointed at Marinette "what's your name?"

"M- me?"

"Yes, you! Who else?" He looked impatient so she spoke up.

"Marinette Dupain Cheng, sir!"

"Great, Dupain Cheng, you stand over here and I will get you a partner. Everyone else, start!" She went over to the spot he had motioned to and she just looked down and hoped he wouldn't force her to go only because she's a woman.

"Miss. Dupain Cheng, why are you here?" The coach now had a soft voice and was standing close to her.

"With all due respect sir, I am here to learn how to combat."

"Then stand right here and do not be scared, I've asked him to go easy on you." She looked up at who she would be sparring and it was no one else than Mr. Agreste himself.

"Oh sir, he doesn't have to do that. I'll take all he has." She smirked up at Adrien, and for a second you could glimpse a small spark of fear before he covers it with a smirk himself.

"Really? He's the best I've ever taught." He looked a bit amazed and she just nodded. When he left she went over to the prince and bowed down just as he did.

"Give me all you got, your Highness."

"And nothing less, My lady."

They heard the shout of the coach and started their fencing. It was hectic, Marinette blocked really well and escaped his blows one after the other. She was mostly playing defensive, but that was soon gonna end. When he finally hits her with the tip of his sword she just smirks and he smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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