Part 1: School and Meet the Characters

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Shadow's POV

Hi, my name is Shadow. I live with no siblings. I was abandoned by my parents. I live with my friends now their names are Flame (Flareon) and Spark (Jolteon). This morning I was with Jolty since Flame lived next door. "Wake up Shadow" That was Spark's energetic voice. "Ok," I said while groaning.

Time Lapse  9:00 A.M.

Sylvia's POV

Yay, today's my new day at school. I am a new student I am going to be in Mrs. Floatzol's Class I heard she is very nice.  When I went into the classroom Mrs. Floatzol said " Hi, class today I will like you to meet a new student, this is Sylvia". "So why don't you sit next to umm, Shadow!

Shadow's POV

While Sylvia came toward my seat I forced myself to stay calm. "Umm hi Sylvia," I said while blushing a little OMG she is so cute I thought. I tried to hide my blush as she came nearer. The teacher Suddenly said ok time for math class. Perfect I thought I love math.

Sylvia's POV

"Nice to meet you," I said as I approached the Umbreon. Soon math class started I hated math, but the Umbreon next to me seemed to be enthusiastic. We were doing Algebra 1 Test and I did not have to do it because I was new yay. I was studying Shadow's paper and he seemed to do really well and fast. "WOW," I said that was fast he was done in about 2 min. I was sure he had to get most of them wrong the test was 50 questions! Then when everyone finished the test we went to lunch.

I guess Shadow is having feelings toward Silvia will Sylvia like him or not.

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