Part Eleven .

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Witney was breathless . She was speechless . She couldn't believe it .

She knew that Mark felt bad , but she didn't know he would write a letter to her . She thought he wouldn't do anything . She thought he would just let time heal it .

It was totally unexpected , but Witney knew exactly what to say to Mark . She knew exactly what to do .


It was their last show . Their last time to show everyone these dances . Their last time to dance these dances . Everyone was bittersweet . They didn't want this to end . But at the same time , they were happy to start a new chapter of their lives . Season twenty of Dancing with the Stars was arriving quickly . They couldn't wait !

" Sasha ," Mark said as the show was about to start ," Have you seen Witney ? "

" No man , I haven't seen her all day , as a matter of fact ." Sasha replied .

Mark wasn't that surprised . Witney probably didn't even read his letter . She probably was avoiding him . But he understood . He just wanted to make sure she was okay .

The show started and before he knew it , Mark was up next . He still hasn't seen Witney , and he was afraid that she wasn't going to show . Mark always hated improvising . How could he possibly dance without Witney ?

Sasha and Emma finished their jive and the crowd roared . It was now Mark's turn .

He quickly ran on stage and positioned himself . He tried to think of ways to improv the dance as a solo . He didn't need to though , for Witney ran on stage and got into position . Mark recalled the very same moment at the beginning of your .

The music began and they started dancing . Mark could tell Witney was holding back . However , he wasn't surprised . He thought she would . He put her in that awful position .

In the middle of the dance , Witney stopped dancing . She quickly turned to Mark ," I can't do this anymore ..."

Before Mark could respond , Witney's lips crashed onto Mark's . The crowd went crazy . Mark had never felt Witney's passion before . This was the first time she didn't hold back .

The song ended and the lights dimmed . Mark finally pulled back , for they didn't want to hold up the show . He pulled Witney off stage and immediately began asking questions .

" What was that ?" Mark asked , as the tiniest grin appeared on his face .

" As I was reading your letter ," Witney started , reaching for Mark's hand ," That you were right . Our relationship is about the ups , not the downs . It's about the good things , and I finally realized that . These last days were hard . I realized that I can't spend my life without you in it . I need you , Mark ."

Mark was astonished . He couldn't believe the words coming from Witney's mouth .

" I ... " Mark started ," I .. Need you too ."

" I also learned ," Witney smiled and leaned closer to Mark ," That there is a fate . Fate brought us to this point . Am I'm so happy it did ."

Mark and Witney didn't know how they would end . They didn't know if they would end up together or not . They decided to live in the present . They decided to let Fate decide .


Okay , part eleven .

I am so sad to close this book . I've been putting it off to end it until now .

This is really sad for me because I feel like this story was really successful and I'm so grateful .

Also , I have so many stories lining up . I also have so many prompts and one - shots to complete .

I promise I'll get to all of them . I'm just deciding whether or not I should make them one - shots or mini stories .

Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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