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Anirudh's POV

"Today have to go NGO office very soon. 1st day of Bondita. She needs an oriantation."
Thinking this Anirudh locking his research room.
"Hi, Anirudh!! "
"Yeah, I've come for last meet."
"Last meet?"
"I'm going America with my husband."
"Oh..!! How is he?"
"Can we talk sitting in cafeteria?"
"No I'm busy now."
"Ok..then good bye!"
"Good bye!"
Soudamini left. There was a time when he can't pass a single day without seeing her. But now she is others wife. He don’t want to recall that old days sitting in cafeteria.
"Seeing Soudamini. Has she come to meet you?"
"Hmm..last meet."
"Oh! I've hared she is going America for PhD. She is doing that expending money. But you got scholarship from Harvard. But you don't utilise it."
"Everyone has Their own goal. If all leave this country then who will work for this country. "
"You are such a brilliant..... "
"Our country needs brilliant."
"Anirudh, can I Ask you a question? "
"You still love Soudamini?"
"What you think, Monorama?"
"Can't understand you. You are like puzzle about this matter. You said 'no' but still carry her photo in your wallet."
"I've to go. A new member has come."
"Okey. Take care and try to forget."
"I've forgot"

Bondita's POV

"May I come in Som da?"
"Oh Bondita! Please come and no need to take permission again. "
"Ok, Som da."
"Oh, Bondita, Dada still not come. So you have to wait. Do you want to eat something?"
"No Dada, it’s ok. I'm waiting."
Just now Anirudh enters the room.
"Oh, Bondita. I've come. Punctual girl. Like it."
"Dada, you are looking tired. Want a cup of coffee? "
"Please, Som I want to spoil my taste taking your special coffee."
"Ani da, if you don't mind can I bring coffee for you?"
Bondita looking nervous thinking she has told something out of her limit.
"At first tell me when you eat for the last time, Bondita?"
Bondita looking down.
"Answer me."
"Last night."
"Now it’s 4 pm. And you still....Som, go and take some food from the restaurant. What you want to eat?"
"Ani da......"
"Shut up...."
"Just bread and I'll make a cup of tea."
"Som, bring rice, curry and chicken. I've understood what type of doctor you Will be. Now go and make coffee for me."
After taking a meal Bondita gives attention to her work. Anirudh helps Her to understand how she will teach Her students. How she will treat them. From tomorrow she will come here as a teacher.
"So Bondita, I think and believe that you will do well. But one thing, your study is the first priority. If you face any difficulty managing time or anything please share with me."
Bondita wants to tell about Her living place. But can't. She doesn’t want a facility free of cost rather earns it by giving labor.
"Bondita, are you thinking anything?"
"No, Ani da. Can I leave now? I have a class in the evening."
"Oh, sure."
Bondita is leaving.
She turns back with a curious look.
" Your coffee was excellent. Not match with other. A different. LikeLike you have added something special. "
Som is looking at his Dada. Thinking how is it possible for him. If he says it's good it means it crosses all beauty. But now he praising Her like that. What's going on...
"Bondita, I'm going your college side. So if you don't mind I'll drop you."
"It's ok Ani da. I can go." "I know you can by walking."
Bondita looking shocked. How he knows this.
"I saw you last day. And last day transport was available but you didn’t use. I think I got the reason. I'm not showing kindness. I just want to help you. It's 5:30 pm and your class at 7 pm. And you need almost two hours to reach your college by walking. You'll be late. As I'm going that side so...... Or you may take it as a little gift for your nice coffee. "
Bondita thinks he is correct. She will be late. And 30 mins late means she will miss some important topics. So she accept his offer. They together leave the room.
Som is looking at them. He knows Anirudh doesn't have any work towards medical College. And it's his Own study time. He never wastes from 6-8 pm. But today.......

Please read my story. And please don’t forget to comment. Your positive and negative both comment will inspire me to write and justify me and also how I should flow the story.
Please ignore my spelling and grammatical mistakes. I'm sorry for that.
Take my lots of love... ♥♥

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