Hope's Peak Academy.

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Y/N L/N, the ultimate writer walked up to the gates of Hope's Peak Academy. She was nervous but excited at the same time. She knew that there were going to be lots of other gifted students at this academy. This school had been Y/N's dream school since she was a child. Her parents, and grandparents had attended this school, and now she was next to attend.
Y/N had an amazing childhood for the most part, but the only problem was her mother. Her mother was always on Y/N when it came to writing. Her mother had desired for her daughter to become famous so that she could inherit the money, so when it came to Y/N's writing pieces, her mother had always expected the best and only the best from her daughter. She was forced to stay up and write stories upon stories which helped her rise to fame just as her mother wished. Originally, Y/N wanted to be a fashion designer but obviously her mother had gotten in her way.

As Y/N walked through the gates of Hope's Peak Academy she had seen so many students walking around. It was quite crowded, so Y/N ended up getting lost trying to find her way to her first class. As Y/N was walking through different hallways in attempt to look for her class, a tall slender man had approached her and tapped her shoulder.

"Darling you seem to be lost. Do you by any chance need help finding your class?" said the man.

           The man looked quite intimidating if you were being honest. His bright yellow eyes stared at you, which made him look kind of scary.

"Oh yeah I can't really find it but shouldn't you be in class by now? It looks like it's about class time." said Y/N nervously

"Yes you're correct about that but I don't mind helping you if you're lost my dear." said the man.

  His voice sounded so beautiful. It was so perfect. It sounded like such a beautiful melody, and you couldn't stop replaying it in you're head.

"Well if you don't mind then please, lead the way!" said Y/N

The walk had been quite for a period of time, so Y/N decided to spark up a conversation.

"So what's your name?" said Y/N

"I am Korekiyo Shinguji, and I am the ultimate Antrhopologist."

You had never heard of an ultimate like that, so you were honestly kinda shocked. You were always interested in anthropology, and wanted to learn more about it.

"Anthropologist huh? I never knew that there was an ultimate student who studied anthropology. Not many people even know what that is!" said Y/N

"Yeah I suppose you're right. Anyways what's your name and ultimate since were on that topic?" said Korekiyo while placing one of his hands on your shoulder

"Oh I'm Y/N L/N, and I am the ultimate writer!" said Y/N

"Your the same person who wrote that one story called Horrors Beneath the Floor, right?" said Korekiyo

"Yup! That's me." said Y/N

"Ah I loved your books as a child, and still do to this day. It is certainly a pleasure to meet you." said Korekiyo as he turned to you and pointed his hand out for a hand shake.

You were surprised that people actually read your stories. You didn't think they were all that good so it made you happy knowing that people enjoyed your work.

"It sure is a pleasure to meet you as well, Korekiyo Shinguji." said Y/N shaking Korekiyo's hand back.

As you and Korekiyo walked down different hallways while talking, you had finally arrived at your class.

"It looks like we share the same class Y/N." said Korekiyo.

"Yup! I'm excited to meet everyone!" said Y/N

As you and Korekiyo entered your class the teacher stared at you both in confusion. You had then realized you were about 10 minutes late to class on the first day which was kind of embarrassing.

"Ah so you must be the new student I was told would be arriving today, correct?" said the teacher

"Yes that is me." said Y/N

"Thank you Korekiyo for guiding her here." said the teacher

"No problem Mrs." said Korekiyo as he went to take his seat

"Y/N do you mind introducing yourself to the class?" said the teacher

"Oh yes I shall introduce myself. I am Y/N L/N, and I am the ultimate writer." said Y/N

Introducing yourself to an entirely new class full of students you didn't know was quite frightening. Some of the students had looked at you with strange, and surprising looks on their faces.

"Okay please go ahead and take a seat next to Korekiyo dear." said the teacher

As you walked through the classroom the students turned their heads to look at you. It was quite nerve wracking if you were being honest, but you had to pull yourself together. At least for the first day. The classroom was very beautiful. It had windows that allowed the sun to beam through and allow light in the room. The classroom had the smell of fresh apple pie.
You felt a sense of relief once you were able to finally sit down. All of that walking had worn you out.

"Alright class today's lesson is going to be simple since it is only the first day back after summer break. We will be reading a story and then answering some questions after. Understood?" said the teacher

After the class nodded in agreement the teacher had went ahead and started reading. It was nice listening to her voice. It sounded like a lullaby which was the reason you had almost fallen asleep on you're desk.
As you slowly dozed off Korekiyo tapped your shoulder as a sign to pay attention.

"Y/N get up. You know that we will be quizzed after this, right?" said Korekiyo

"Oh my apologies. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'll do my best to pay attention." said Y/N as she shot her head up from her desk.

"It's okay dear." said Korekiyo

Korekiyo POV:
Y/N seems like such a perfect girl. Everything about her is amazing. It's been hard to get her off my mind since I met her, but why do I think of her like this? We just recently met after all. I can't think of her like this. I have to at least get to know her a little more.

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