What a beautiful place, Korekiyo.

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As you and Korekiyo walked to your destination. He decided to spike up a conversation.

"So Y/N, what caused you to go to Hope's Peak Academy excatly?" said Korekiyo out of curiosity

"Well pretty much all of my family had attended this school so I guess it was finally my turn to attend. I had also always dreamed of coming to this school ever since I was a child." said Y/N

"Hm interesting. Hope's Peak Academy is very difficult to get into after all. You need to pass the entrance exam to be able to attend. I assume it took you a lot of studying, huh?" said Korekiyo

"Actually, not really. I guess I am just naturally intelligent. The entrance exam wasn't too difficult for me I suppose." said Y/N

"Wow you really are a special girl aren't you?" said Korekiyo as he placed his hand on your shoulder

"I guess you could say that. I'm not really that interesting though." said Y/N

"Well why do you say that dear?" said Korekiyo

"There's no reasoning behind it really. I'm just not really that interesting. I never have been.
You seem like something though." said Y/N

"Well I guess I could say the same for myself. There's not much about me that's interesting. Most people just find me scary or boring. said Korekiyo

"Well I think you're really cool if you ask me. You know a lot about Anthropology right? Not many people know about that. I find you very fascinating." said Y/N with a smile on her face

Korekiyo POV:
Wow Y/N already means a lot to me. And I've only just met her. Why does a beautiful human like her have to be put in a world full of pain and despair? Everything about her is so beautiful. I've never met anyone like her. I hope she never leaves me.

After walking for a bit you and Korekiyo had finally reached your destination. The place he had taken you to was a beautiful park.

"What a beautiful place, Korekiyo." said Y/N in shock

"Beautiful just like you angel." said Korekiyo

That same sentence had caused you to blush a little bit. You weren't used to people complimenting you like this. It made you so happy.

"Thank you." said Y/N with a big smile on her face

"Well shall we take a seat by the tree?" said Korekiyo

"Yes of course!" said Y/N still blushing

You and Korekiyo had both walked over to a tree that was standing in front of a lake. The flowers on the tree were bloomed so beautifully, and the air was fresh. It was like nothing you had ever seen before.
As you and Korekiyo sat down he took a flower from the tree above you both and stuck it in your hair.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady." Korekiyo said while smiling

Once again, you were blushing like crazy. It felt like you were already starting to develop feelings for Korekiyo. But you both had just met. Why do you already feel this way about him?
You both sat down by the tree and talked about life for the rest of the evening. The time had felt like it went by so quickly because you were actually enjoying Korekiyo's presence. It had felt like you both had known each other for years.

"Well it's getting dark. We should start heading home." said Korekiyo

"Yeah you're right." said Y/N sadly

"What's wrong dear? You seem a little sad." said Korekiyo

"Oh no I'm alright! Just kinda bummed cause we have to go home." said Y/N

"Aw don't be sad my dear. I'll still get to see you tomorrow. And if you would like I can also walk you home?" said Korekiyo

"I would love that Kiyo." said Y/N while a smile crept up on her face

As you both got up and started walking,
you guys still were talking until you both had made it to your house.
You were sad that you had to leave Korekiyo for the night.

"Well I guess I should be on my way Kiyo." said Y/N sadly

"Don't be sad dear. It's only for the night." said Korekiyo as he cupped his hands around your face

"Yeah I know. See you tomorrow Kiyo! Stay safe, okay?" said Y/N

"You too dear. Get your beauty rest. You deserve it!" said Korekiyo as he walked away

After Korekiyo walked off you walked into your house. You're parents were still at work for the night so you headed upstairs to your room. You threw yourself on your bed and decided to check your phone. After checking your messages you had seen that Kaede had added you to the groupchat she mentioned earlier. The groupchat was already blown up with messages.

Wives and husbands💍😩

Kaede: hey Y/N you there?

Kaito: Y/N??

Maki: You guys need to stop spamming her. She's probably busy.

Kaede: Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

Shuichi: Guys maybe we should listen to Maki for once


I apologize for not answering. I was at the park with a friend!

MakI: See? I told you guys.

Kaede: Oh sorry for spamming you. We just wanted to talk to you!

Kaito: Oh yeah and also me and Maki saw you on the park while we were on a date!

Maki: ..


Shuichi: ..

Maki: I will fucking kill you Kaito.


After that you all started going off in the groupchat. After a couple of hours of chatting you went to sleep.

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