One kiss.

291 10 8

It was 7am and you're alarm had went off. The loud noise of the alarm had woken you up. You were glad that you actually hear it this time and you didn't end up sleeping through it. After adjusting your eyes a little bit you finally got the energy to get out of bed and take a shower. You gathered all of your clothing for the day, grabbed your towel and got went to your bathroom.
After turning on the shower you quickly undressed and got in the shower. Feeling the hot water against your skin it made you feel a sense of relief. You remembered that you had school soon, so you started quicken up your shower. While lathering your hair with shampoo you couldn't help but think about Korekiyo. His voice, his face, his personality. Everything about him made your heart skip a beat. You couldn't help but fall in love with him.
After finishing up your shower you dried off and got dressed. After getting dressed you noticed that it was already 8am. You were kind of schooled that you were in the shower for an hour, but you didn't really mind it because you knew you would have enough time to make it to school. You then realized you had almost forgot to brush your hair down. You sat down and combed threw it, flat ironed it. Then you grabbed your school bag, put on your socks and shoes on, grabbed your phone, and headed out of your room.
You decided to just put a pop tart in the toaster so you could hurry up and get out of the door. As you were waiting for your pop tart to get done in the toaster you hear a knock at your door.

"Who is it?" shouted Y/N so the person on the other side of the door could hear her

"It's Korekiyo. May I come in?" said Korekiyo in a low and soft voice

You got up and opened the door for Korekiyo.

"Hello dear. Would you like to walk to school with me?" said Korekiyo

"Oh sure! I'm just waiting for my pop tart so come in." Y/N said as she welcome Korekiyo inside the house

You're parents were still sleep but you knew they would wake up soon so you had to make things quick and leave.

"You're house is very beautiful Y/N." said Korekiyo

"It's not a lot but we manage." said Y/N as she laughed

"Would you like a bottle of water? I know this might be a tiring walk." said Y/N

"Why yes of course." said Korekiyo

Y/N then reached into the fridge and grabbed Korekiyo a water, then handed it to him.

"Thank you Y/N." said Korekiyo

"No problem!" said Y/N

After that you're pop tart had finally popped out of the toaster. You grabbed wrapped a napkin around it, and starting eating it.

"Shall we get going darling?" said Korekiyo as he reached out for your hand to lead you out of the house

Walking with Korekiyo was really enjoyable. Just talking to him makes you really happy.
After you both had arrived you your class you took your seats and sat in boredom until class started.

"Y/N you look very beautiful today angel." said Korekiyo as a smile crept up his face

"Thank you. You also look very nice today!" said Y/N

You played it off as if you were calm but really you were internally freaking out. Every compliment that Korekiyo gave you made you fall even deeper in love with him.
While sitting in boredom you start to fidget with Korekiyo's hair. Hair hair was so soft and silky. It was perfect. He quickly happened to notice the little braid you were slowly braiding in his hair, but he didn't seem to mind at all.

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