"Would you like to spend some time witht me after school?"

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After your morning classes had passed, it was then finally lunch time. You were starving so you were quite excited to finally eat something. As you grabbed your lunch a girl in front of you had said something to you. She had blonde healthy looking hair, and a purple skirt with music notes on it.

"I recommend you get the pasta. The burgers here taste weird." she said as she smiled at you

"Oh thanks! I'll keep that in mind!" Y/N said as she smiled

While you both were in the lunch line the girl had decided to strike up a conversation.

"By the way I'm Kaede Akamatsu, and I am the ultimate Pianist." said Kaede

"Oh so you play piano? That sounds really nice." said Y/N

"Yeah it can be really fun but also stressful." said Kaede as she laughed

As you walked away Kaede tapped your shoulder and asked if you wanted to come sit with her and her friends. You accepted of course so you didn't come off as rude.

"Hey Kaede! Who's this new friend you've brought?" said a boy with purple hair and a purple jacket

"Oh I am Y/N L/N, and I am the ultimate writer. It is a pleasure to meet you all!" said Y/N

"So you're the girl who writes all those cool books huh? It's pretty impressive." said a girl with two pigtails.

She had looked quite intimidating. She had eyes that made her look even scarier. She had looked like she didn't really like you, even though you both had only just met. As you took your seat everyone at the table introduced themselves.

"I am Kaito Mamota! Luminary of the Stars. I hope to get to know you better Y/N." said Kaito as he shook your hand

"I am Maki Harukawa, and I am the ultimate assassin." said the girl with pig tails

"U-ultimate assassin?" said Y/N nervously

No wonder why she was so intimidating. She was an assassin. Although you didn't really see her as much of a threat, you didn't wanna accidentally push her buttons.

"Oh I suppose I forgot to introduce myself. I am Shuichi Saihara, and I am the ultimate detective. Pleasure to meet you Y/N." said the boy at the end of the table

Shuichi looked kind of shy since he had on the hat, but it didn't bother you at all. He seemed really interesting actually.
Although you were nervous at first, it was nice to get to make some new friends on your first day here. They had all seemed so sweet. Before lunch time ended Kaede had asked for your number so she could add you to their groupchat. After that the bell rang as a signal to get back to class. After getting up from the lunch table you walked back to class. As you were walking Korekiyo had approached you.

"Why hello Y/N. It's nice to see you again." said Korekiyo

You could tell that he was smiling through his mask.

"Ah, nice you see you too Korekiyo." said Y/N

"I don't mind if you approach me by "Kiyo by the way my dear." said Korekiyo with a smile

"Okay!" said Y/N

Now although you both had only met earlier that morning, him allowing you to call him somewhat of a nickname meant a lot to you. You had guessed it mean you two were friends.

"I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me after school if you don't mind?" said Korekiyo as you both walked down the hallway to your next class

"Of course. I don't mind at all!" said Y/N

"Perfect. Meet me outside of the school. I'll be waiting." said Korekiyo while smiling

It was nice for someone to ask you to hang out. As a child you didn't have very many friends so this had meant a lot to you. After that you both had went your separate ways and headed to your classes. This time you were in a new class again, and had to introduce yourself once again.

"Hello. Do you happen to be Y/N L/N?" said the teacher

"Yes that's me." said Y/N

"Perfect. Can you introduce yourself to the class real quick?" said the teacher

"Of course." said Y/N

"Hello everyone. I am Y/N L/N and I am the ultimate writer. It is a pleasure to meet you all." said Y/N

"Hey aren't you the same person who wrote all those cool horror books?" shouted a boy with pink hair and a beanie

"Yup that happens to be me." said Y/N

You ran to your seat so you could try to avoid embarrassment. You happened to be sitting next to a blonde boy. He had beautiful green eyes mixed with a hint of blue, and he wrote a green sweater. He looked at you and smiled.

"Why are you sitting next to a pile of trash like me?" said the boy

"But you're not trash. I think you're beautiful." said Y/N while smiling at him

You and noticed he blushed a little after that compliment. I guess he's never really received compliments that often.

"Why thank you. You are also really beautiful as well." he said while smiling

"Thank you! So, what's your name?" said Y/N

"I am Nagito Komaeda, and I am the ultimate lucky student." said Nagito

"Oh so you're really lucky huh?" said Y/N

"Yeah that pretty much rounds it up. I wish I was more talented like the other students here, but that's not the case." said Nagito with a sad look on his face

"I think that's a really unique talent Nagito. I've never met anyone with an ultimate like that so it's kinda cool to me." said Y/N while smiling

Nagito looked happy. Someone was finally noticing him. Somebody had complimented him for the first time in a while which made him happy.
You guys decided to pass notes to each other in order to communicate during class. After a couple of minutes of note passing he had asked for your number. You decided to go ahead and write it down for it. After you wrote it down you passed the note back.

It was now finally the end of class, so you grabbed your things and rushed to the outside of the school so you could go meet Korekiyo.
As you opened the doors to exit the school Korekiyo had grabbed your shoulder from behind you.

"What a surprise. You got here earlier than I did." said Korekiyo as he laughed

"Oh haha I guess so. I don't get to really hand out with people much so I was really excited!" said Y/N

"Khehehe, you look so adorable when excited." said Korekiyo with a smile

"Well then c'mon, let's go! I wanna show you something darling." said Korekiyo as he directed you to start walking with him

My lovely Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora