day 3

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My arm is fucking sore and my ice cream is all gone. why as the gods forsaken me?! I pull out my phone to text Yahaba once again but instead I go to Iwa chans profile instead. (bold-iwa. italic-oikaw)

you wanna talk? we can do that but bring ice cream on the way.

Is that a requirment?

only if you want to talk to me. come around 2ish so I can get a chance to clean.

third p.o.v

both boys sigh as they try to impress the other with charm, style. Oikawa couldn't pick a shirt so he went no shirt with his hands wrapped in bandages. one thirty rolled around and he decided to watch Pocohantas until Iwachan arrived. the movie ended and still no sign of Iwa chan. he watched another movie deciding that he might be late. the movie finnished and once again he still had hope. five a clock came around before he accepted the fact he had been stood up. He wanted to cry but all these tears were already spent on the days where he kept his feelings aside. seven rolled through the day before he can text him again. the yellowish gold of the sun over the mountains look so happy. it's sickening.

Iv'e been waiting for five hours where the hell are you?!

oikawa it's seven in the morning. I thought you meant in the afternoon.

oh. well get here now before I start freaking out and cancel on your ass.


I can feel your eye roll through the screen Iwaizumi.

oh shit i'm in trouble aren't I?!

Iwaizumi I am a broken soul who needs fucking ice cream. gimme my goods so we can have a civil conversation.

damn. your bossy when your mad. i like it;)

I-whatever just gimme my food.

be there in ten.

the males smile, waiting to see the other. eventually Iwa came in through the door and with a huge tub of ice cream. Oikawa grabbed the chocolate, strawberry, carmel syrup along with cherrys, spoons, napkins and bananas. he scooped the neapoltean ice cream and made a banana split for him and Iwa chan. "How does this work? Iv'e never done this before." Oikawa addmitted. "I think you tell me why your upset and we find a way to compramise to make us both happy and we get stronger together." Oikawa shrugs and lets out all his frusterations on what has bothered him. it lasted a pretty long time. a full hour of Oikawa going on and on about the way Iwa treats him and how he tries so hard to become perfect so someone would love him. he doesn't tell him that he want's him to be the one who loves him, however. Oikawa finally finishes and looks up at the male. "Why didn't you tell me something was bothering you? we could have fixed this sooner instead of our relationship being broken." He asks. "I was scared you wouldn't change or not care." he said without thinking. "I do care and I will change. I mean you are perfect so I can't be Oikawa level but i'll try." Oikawa gives a sinscere grin. "Thats good enough for me." "also, mad dog is in the dog house. Yabaha is pretty mad at one of the comments he laughed at." "Yeah I heard. the useless one right?" Iwa's look turned from a grin to a guilty look in a heartbeat. "You really were awake, huh?" "I mean I did want a response to the quiston.". he trys again. "But you are perfect. the only flaw that I can see is you won't tell me these things. you won't tell anyone." "No. I told Yahaba." Iwa was silent with jelousy but managed to put out a nod.

"Are we good now?" he asks hoping Oikawa would agree. "Not yet. but now it's your turn to be mad." "Why would I-" Oikawa pressed his lips against his best friends and his heart is beating a hundred miles per hour also getting ready to be hit. but suprisigly instead of being pushed away, shouted at, or hit big, warm hands were on Oikawas back almost and the other trailing the abs he made for him instantly as he kissed him with the lips he pressed on is recooperating the movements that Oikawa is doing. they drew apart but the're eyes never stopped meeting. eventually they became closer than they realized just staring into the others eyes. Iwaizumi leaned forward just a bit so their mouths will reach the other. Oikawa shoved a hand into Iwa's hair and held him closely. Iwaizumi grab Oikawa's nonexistent ass and put his tongue in when Oikawa made a suprised sound. the boys fell over on the ground but their mouths never stopped moving on eachother. Oikawa was being straddled by Iwaizumi as he was kissed harshly into the carpet.

suddenly the door flew open as Oikawa's parents came in. "Well. we knew you were gay but you actually found someone who wants you. look at that. I guess I have to pay up to your aunt in america." His Mom said rolling her eyes. "What are you waiting for? make breakfast." she said shooing him away with her designer fan. Oikawa sat up to make dinner but pecked Iwas nose first. Oikawa's parents were staring at him to do something but he couldn't figure it out. "I should go help him." "Help him with his food not his Boner Iwaizumi." Mr. Oikawa reminded him. he blushed at that but it only was noticable If you stare long at him since his dark skin is making it worse to see. he walks in the kitchen and picks up some potatos. "They said something embarrasing didn't they?" Oikawa said quietly. "Just a tad." Iwa made an attempt to cheer him up. "That was great. we should definetly do it again," "Of caurse we will but not tonight," Iwa smiled as he saw the faint glow of blushing on his best friends cheek, "I should probably ask to be on the team again" he said faintly "You quit?" he nodded. "Whats the pont in staying where you obviously aren't liked? I just figured I would quit until I found a team that wants me to be on it." he admitted chopping some onions. "everyone loves you." "No they don't" "Yes they do. you never hear their comments on how they enjoy practice and how your a great leader blah blahblah blah blah. point being is that they love you." "Maybe I will ask for my jersy back."

Oikawa took the omlets onto a plate and put them on the table in front of his parents. "we will be upstairs." He says before bowing and rushing to grab their own omlets.

time skip

oikawa is done with his omlet and lays in bed. Iwaizumi got up to and sat beside him. "I already told you were not kissing today." he said with his eyes closed. "I'm not kissing you." suddenly Oikawa felt a warm body against his and they snuggled up together hugging the other "Your such a softy" Oikawa mummbles before going to sleep. Iwa stared at the sleeping boy with amazement. he stroke his hair and fell asleep with him.

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