Chapter 2: Bath and Storytelling

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The day had ended and it was bath time.

I had already gotten stuff for the kids from the mall so I was covered on stuffed animals blankets and pj's.

The first one that I had to bathe was Touya.

"I can do it myself" He plainly stayed.
I scoffed.
"Right, and I can go on a day without coffee. Just get your little behind in the bath"

Touya pouted
"Fine. Just turn around" I nod as I turned around as Touya took his clothes off.

I hear a little splash in the water and wait for the young boy to tell me it's time for me to turn around

"Ok. Turn around"

I turned around and grabbed the shampoo and conditioner.

First I let Touya scrub himself down.
I then started to wash his hair, I told him to close his eyes while I put the shampoo on his hair.

"Ow!" I flinched and recoiled back as I thought I had pulled on his hair a little too hard.
"Are you ok?" I asked worried. Then I saw him rubbing his eyes.

I sighed as I shook my head.
"I thought I told you to close your eyes." I say as I grabbed a towel and grabbed Touya's chin and faced it up to me. He had his eyes closed.

I had to wipe his eyes an able for the suds that got in his eyes to go away, along with the pain, kinda.

"Better?" I asked smiling softly at him.
I saw that he was pouting but still nodes his head.
"Thanks. . . I guess" I nod and rinse his hair off.

I can tell he's going to be a tough shell to crack. But nothing a bit of love can handel right?

Meh, who am I kidding. I'm literally that last person to come for love and affection. At least I'm trying my best.

I got Touya out of the bath and dried him off. I got his pajamas that had had blue cat  patterns on them.

"Ok bud. You can go and watch tv while I finish bathing your siblings." I say as I set him down on a couch. He jut nods as he watched whatever was on tv.

I went to get Jin next. It was a little complicated to get Jin as he kept running away. But I got him soon and into the bathtub.

Bathing Jin was actually more easy then I thought it would be. He seemed to enjoy splashing around in the water. It was cute.

But it seemed like Jin got a little too comfortable in the bath.
"No! I don't wanna leave!" Jin said as he crosses his arms.

I sighed.
"Come on, don't you want to hear the cool story I got ready for you and your siblings?" That seemed to get his attention

"Story? I want to hear the story! No I don't!"
Jin said. I have already noticed that Jin seems to have an identity crisis or something. It's not the first time I've seen a kid with that kind of condition

But it still made me sad. It was either he was born with it, or something really traumatic happened to him.

I dried Jin off and put him in some deadpool pj's. I was actually kinda suprised when I found that in the store. Since he isn't really a very appropriate roll model for the kids and all.

But Jin seemed to like it.

"Ok Himi. Ready for bath time?" I asked the little blonde.

"Yeah!" Himi seemed more excited to bathe then anyone else. I chuckled and lifted the bundle of joy up and walked to the bathroom.

I stripped Himi down and untied her hair.
I let Himi scrub herself down.

"Hey sissy?"
I hummed in acknowledgment.
"Where's papa"

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