Cap. I

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This has like nothing to do with the story
I promise cap. II makes more sense

« ' and ' » thinking
« " and" » talking
_ _____________________________________


"Huh? I do, now shup up, that was embarrassing, who would even consider that a joke? "

"PHAHAHS I felt really bad for us back then though, they got us really good."

"I don't even get why it was so all so dramatic."

"You live for drama Rii-chan."



"Shou..." he said while trying to sound as normal as possible. It didn't really worked.

"Ritsu?..." a confused voice responded

"Sorry I guess ..."


Before getting to react Ritsu was already unconscious on the floor

" Dude this isn't the right time to faint" said the orange haired guy with a cracked voice while trying to control his breathing as good as he could at that moment.

"Are you joking you -"


"Pointless." there was no point in cursing him. He knew that he couldn't say anything bad about Ritsu. "After all he doesn't deserves anything from this."

"Gotta deal with him " he muttered

Shou tapped the unconscious guy from the floor on his shoulder and carried him to a safer place.

____ _________ ______ ____

" Ritsu come on!" A voice that was hardly able to hear came out of his mouth

"I'm comin' ... " He responded with a lifeless voice that was just ready to give up on everything.


They made it to an abandonate place then hid there some time to make sure they aren't followed anymore by Claw.

" I think we should be able to go no-"

Shou covered his mouth right before he could finish his sentence. Shou heard some familiar voices. It was them...  Claw

Ritsu couldn't do anything  than blush and question why he did that.
It took him like five seconds to hear the reason. Took him long enough to hear the voices that the two of them have been running from. His mind was just a total mess.

You could see despair and fear into Suzuki's eyes a second after he remembered that his father is looking for him. A second after he remembered that his father's the leader of the organization. A second after he remembered Ritsu is in danger.

"Ritsu! Hear me out, I have a plan."


"What?!" both of them still whispering

"I know you want to distract them so I can leave." such a calm yet in the same time such an intimidating voice responded

"How did you..." questioning himself while lost in thoughts

"Anyone would be able to see what you think... I can see right through you Shou."

"Oh-" he just sort of blushed from embarrassment and awkwardly laugh.

Confess my Nonsense (Ritsu x Shou) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat