Cap. VII

114 4 3

'_______' - Thoughts
"_______" - Speaking



Suzuki was first to wake up due to a sudden change of light. A few seconds later he noticed Shigeo getting closer to the door and slowly opening it.

Seems like he closed the lights.

Shou smiled at him and the older nodded, leaving the room and closing the door after entering the hallway.

Then he looked down.

And wasn't this the best day of his week?!

He noticed Ritsu sleeping with his head over  his shoulder, arms wrapped around his waist and he was half staying on the ginger's lap

It couldn't be helped, like c'mon it was impossible not to blush a little!
Alright, a little more..

He started questioning everything that was already formalized. He couldn't be attracted to men, right?..

There's no way. He's flirting with the guy that's peacefully sleeping in his arms only as a joke, just some comedy to lighten up the atmosphere.

He wants to think about it like that, like it's nothing more.

He can't help but know it isn't like that.
After all he even decided to confess his damn feelings in a few days.

He knows he likes him, however he's afraid confessing will only depart their friendship and he clearly doesn't want anything nearby that.

So what's the best thing to do?

Wait. Wait and wait for a chance, for feelings coming from the loved one, for little steps and even the shortest and meaningless acts. So that's what he decided to do, waiting while going forward wasn't the best plan, but it'll do. At least for now.

A small movement has been made, and the black haired teen slightly moved his head up just to hug the other tighter and whispering something Suzuki couldn't really understand.

It was evening. It looked like it was around 8 pm, the time the Kageyamas are usually having dinner, so even if the ginger couldn't possibly mind letting him sleep he decided to wake him up, his nutrition being more important than his current satisfaction, he could sleep anytime but fucking up his eating habits and times wasn't a great idea.

He gently shook his back a good five seconds and waited.

It took him ten seconds to wake up and another 5 to realize that he was... at this point cuddling? with the other.

I mean he wouldn't want to call the situation that, but literally hugging him and having just about 20 seconds ago your head on someone's shoulder, uncomfortably near their neck is basically the same.

He slightly gasped and lightly pushed Suzuki away, at the same time gaining a few meters distance, the ginger mildly hitting the bed's edge.

"Dude wha?-
UM- Sorry for-for falling asleep on you."

"Hahah, no worries man, keep calm."

"Ugh... y-you should've just woken me up."

"Nah, no way mate, you really needed that rest.
Actually I woke you because it's around 8pm and I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have dinner at this hour."

"Ah, right... shit! I-I'LL Go downstairs... we'll talk when I'll get back and stuff.."

"Sure dude!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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