Roaming Paris alone

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I woke up to my mother opening my curtains so the sun of Paris would blind me at 7 o'clock in the morning. "Good morning" my mother said as she sat on my bed. "Yes thank you for blinding me, I would like to go back to sleep." I told my mother but I was already awake and I looked around my neatly empty room. It was too rich for me and I just had to deal with it because I didn't want an argument between my mother and I again. I got a shower and I guess my dad called my mother to tell her my shampoo and conditioner. I hate my hair it's too long and hard to handle but I do like the color of it, the red highlights with my natural auburn color. My outfit was nicer today because it is my first day back in Paris, I wore mom jeans with a old lake erie t-shirt that I got 2 summers ago and I just let my hair down with my brushed out curls. I didn't know where I was going to walk to I knew that I want to take the Métro. I took it once with the random guy after me and my mother's fight. The first place I wanted to go is "Le Grenier à Pain" a famous bakery where I was going to go get breakfast. I only had to walk 4 blocks, that were a little shorter than Philadelphia. The place was all brown from the front on the inside it was a very calm place. There was food in a case that showed pastries of every kind, croissants, and different types of breads that I didn't know the name of. There was a big assortment of all different kinds of jellies and butters. After I got my chocolate croissant I walked trying to find an entrance to the Métro so I could get to the Notre Dame. I'm so confused where to go, i really didn't remember this many streets in Paris. My voice finally spoke "um excuse me where is a Métro entrance?" the women turned around and said "oh it's right around that street corner" she had a delicate voice that was quiet but I could still hear her voice even with all the people around us talking. "Thank you!" I said heading toward the end of the next building. The stairs led down to a subway type of area with yellow walls ahead of me and white panels on the walls to the right and left. I took the train that first arrived it was blue and white, the door had a handle you had to open to get to the sitting area it was filled with mini separate seats. I sat in the first open spot I saw and notice all the art work that hung on one wall, it was beautiful with neon colors. The ride wasn't as long as I expected but there was River Seine, the clearest watered river I have ever seen. It was so pretty I just had the urge to take a picture, it had a boat filled with tourists and other people. Then, I saw the Eiffel tower to the left side of the river which wasn't anything new but it was still as breathtaking as I remembered. Music took over the city with its beautiful aspects and just made the moment fall together. It was endless. I walked into a street with a lot of people but the only thing that had the whole assembly of people's eyes was the Notre Dame. The windows look ancient but amazingly heart-trilling and the light of the sunset in the horizon. I look around at all the people and notice that I'm the only one alone. I see a family of 4 and just think in another timeline and if my parents loved each other, we could be a whole family. It was practically impossible to hear over cameras clicking and all people talking at once. Those kinds of thoughts always made me sad to think that I could have a normal life without having a mom and dad living all the way across the world, my dad would love Paris with all the musicians playing French music and the  gardens that roamed around every street circle. To just have someone to be here with me would be amazing not me just thinking to myself, I at least want one friend not even a best friend. As I'm just walking I see the Eiffel Tower again after 4 years, I can just see the guy from Christmas and I eating and talking about our dreams and ambitions. I just wonder where is that guy now?

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