Abbey bookstore

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The pepper spray incident haunted me for days but now I had to brace myself for school that starts in 6 days. These were Parisians not Americans or at least people who have been in Paris longer. I have no one to talked about how teenage girls in Paris act? Which I'm just going to have to figure out on my own. "Joey dinner is ready!" My mother called, she and I didn't talk a lot other than the causal "I'm going out" or "Bye". I walked down the stairs to the dining room and sat down. "How was school shopping since you didn't need my help?" My mother asked, hoping to hear bad news.  "Fine, absolutely fine." I said I wasn't believable. "I really like how your getting in to walking around Paris." My mother said stabbing the chicken we were having for dinner. "Oh yeah well I do love Paris" I explained with sarcasm "You know what mother I'm not really that hungry" I said wishing that I was outside seeing the lights of the moon lit city. "Ok well you can go clothes shopping here's some money." My mother hands me about 150 dollars. That was not even what I got from birthdays most years. "Oh thank you and also for dinner too" I said heading up to get my book of "Pride and Prejudice", one of my favorite books. And out the door I went, the night was a little colder than usual but I would be in stores soon so it didn't matter. The roads were empty except for the Paris taxis that speeded down the stone roads. It was so peaceful and it wasn't like Pennsylvania at all, every turn would have at least a Wawa or a Giant which it wasn't somewhere I wanted to be. All the people there are inconsiderate and brats other than my dad, my one friend who hasn't called, and me. Right when I was lost in my thoughts I see the guy, the pepper spray guy. "Shit" I whispered to myself quietly. This is not how I picture seeing him again, I really thought it would be more romantic not me now stupidly hiding in a alley way. Footsteps were ahead right where I was hiding away from the person I didn't want to see. My first thought was to act like I was reading. "Oh so now your a drug lord hiding in a mysterious alley way maybe I should have turned you into the cops" the familiar voice spoke. "Well I would get ready for my mother lawyers who will charge you with harassment and accusing me of being a "drug lord" when I was just hiding from the very someone I didn't want to see." I said without a thought in my mind about what I had just said to the guy I pepper sprayed by accident. "Well that would add to the list, see I have one more chance not to go to jail and if I get turned in for even the stupidest thing. You can see bye from hiding in alley ways." The thing is I couldn't tell if he was serious or not because with his crossed arms it looked like he wasn't trying to be in anyway funny. "Well maybe so I don't have to see you for a lifetime, I can frame you" I was not going to do that I was just testing how far the joke would go. "A lifetime is a pretty long time for a guy who's only 18, would you really be that sick of a person." I looked in his brown darks eyes and I knew that these run-ins would happen for as long I was in Paris. "Yes well a lifetime seems appropriate for a stalker but you are just 18 so I'm not going to be "that sick" I started walking to a boutique I found when I was getting school supplies, and he followed. "So what's your name" he questioned and I just knew he had a grin on his attractive face with his ruffled brown wavy, fluffy hair that flowed down to half his forehead. "Josephine but everyone calls me Joey." I answered looking straight in his eyes trying to image his name. It has to be a very Parisian name something like Louis or Charles. I just had to ask "and what about your name because right now I'm just calling you stranger." I said with a smile on my face eager to know what the "stranger's" name was. "It's Warren but no nicknames unlike you Jo" He made me a nickname but I wasn't angry, I was surprised with his annoying kind of cute personality. "Well Warren I apologize for thinking you were a stalker and I'm not sure about the nickname" I explain to him when he just stare at me. "You don't have to like the nickname but the way that you're going around Paris it seems you're new" he assumed which I must look like an idiot walking around the streets. "How did you know but yeah I just moved in with my mother. I'm from Pennsylvania" We passed my bookstore, and I really wanted to go in again "well since we are done our little introduction this is my stop. I would like to say goodbye but I'm sure we are going to see each other again" He looked disappointed and kind of mad that we were parting our ways. "Actual you know what, I've always wanted to go in here so might as well join you" he said with that cute grin still on his face. "Ok" I said trying to hide my smile. "What's that" he grabbed "Pride and Prejudice" from my hands "You seriously aren't reading that." He actual offended me, it was my favorite book. "And what is so wrong with star crossed lovers in a book" Not that I believe in any of that stuff but in books it's less realistic. "It's a classical book about people that hate each other and just by looking at it you know they end up together because that's what is expected" How dare he. "But again it's a BOOK that isn't supposed to be realistic or true at all and have you even read it" I asked him. "Well no but again I would never because I don't read expected books and I don't really read at all" So why did he come in this bookstore? "Then why did you say you wanted to come in this bookstore?" I asked, now I was confused because he definitely didn't want to be here with me, I don't exactly like him. "Well I need a book for school" he said looking at a book pile on the floor. "Sure" He wasn't believable at all, looking at the backs of random books. "Unless you want me to leave you alone" but the truth is I didn't want him to leave at all, I wanted him to show me around Paris and talk to me so I can ask him my growing questions. "No you can stay just because you don't make me look like an idiot" we both grinned at my words because we both knew that we wanted to be with each other. But as friends.

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