Pepper spary

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"You know you're going to have to get things for school, here I have the list" my mother hands me a white piece of paper that had a long list of pencils, all types of books, a backpack, folders, notebooks, and for-fun books which I already had a large selection of. "You know I can come with you, I know the best places for school materials." My mother explained. "No it's fine, I'm sure I can find school stuff." That sounded wrong like I was trying to be rude, I mean I wasn't actual trying I just don't need my mother to help me find simply things. "Oh ok well have fun, make sure you have your phone on you!" My mother said looking disappointed, I think she thought after the whole me telling her about my worries for highschool that we were going to spend time together, talking about guys, and her getting me the most expensive clothes. Well I'm not going to be her little doll that she can just act like we had that childhood together and that she "raised" me or anything like that. My first stop was the Stationary store "Mélodies Graphiques" it was a little far away but at least I got there. I bought some notepads, pencils, pens, and extra paper. Next stop was the bookstore "the Abbey bookshop" even by the front looks so quaint and antiquated.  This bookstore was comforting and all the books look old but in a good way, the books were almost stacked everywhere other then the little spots where you can read. This is my new favorite place in Paris. There was an upstairs with a tiny stair way that was made out of stone and the ceiling was so low but all the books were involved with traveling which didn't catch my interest. There was a café a couple stores down that I want to see, it wasn't that busy but for the little tables set out. The people at the tables were doing all kinds of things like reading, working on a laptop, writing down in a notebook, or talking. The café was small but it had a lot of plants and a whole case filled with different decorated mugs. The line included two people, one was an women with a little girl on her waist, the second was a teenaged girl on her phone, and once I got in line the bell on the door rang and the person went behind me. As I made it so the front of the line, I ordered my normal for a sunny day: an iced coffee with almond milk and a blueberry muffin that don't usually get. After it's ready, I get my iced coffee and hot muffin and walk out of the café with the person that was behind me. I turn to the left of the sidewalk and the stranger does he following? I got to think: is this guy going to follow me to my house? Is he a human trafficker? Oh my gosh maybe he is. I pull out my pepper spray from my wallet, turn around, and spray him right in the eyes. "What the hell" the guy says as he is pitching his eyes as if he thinks it is going to help. "You were following me!" I implied. But it was true. "No the question is, were you following me?" He announced angrily. Why would I be following such a bitchy guy? "If I were following you, which I wasn't. Why would I follow such a bitch as you?" I asked but immediately I realized my words in my mind just came out. I am not going to say sorry, that looks desperate. "Thanks for that." He stood up from crouching/pinching nose position, he looked up and I stared at his brown eyes for just a moment. I knew it was him the guy who was walking the streets when I arrived at my mother's apartment building. "No-no problem" my voice was quiet and disappointed that the guy who I'd been thinking of I just pepper-sprayed. "Nice meeting you I guess" I said turning my body half way around, leaving. My school list and all my worries faded away because I found him. 

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