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WAZZZUP! Hope you guys are excited for this book! Now I will now put down the basics and ground rules for requests! Now you should know the basics of anything to do with XReaders, but just in case this is your first one here is what some stuff mean!!!

[Y/N] means Your Name

[N/N] means Nick Name

[L/N] means Last Name

[F/D] means Favorite Drink

[F/R] means Favorite Restaurant

[F/C] means Favorite Color

[F/A] means Favorite Animal

Alright now to the rules on requests! I will not be doing any dirty stuff! I'm sorry I just can't write that crap! Make these fun! I want to see what you guys can come up with! And lastly keep them not super crazy! I'm fine with most stuff, just nothing that would take me 12 hours to write!

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