When You Save Him

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 You were walking through a forest when a terrible storm decided to hit! Wind, Rain, Thunder, you name it! Everything was crazy! All of a sudden lightning hits a nearby tree and it looked like it would crush Bendy. "Bendy! Look out!" You scream at the top of your lungs. Which he notices just a little to late. Right when Bendy was about to get crushed your grab his wrist and pull him towards you. " Wow... [Y/N] thank you so much!" The wet demon says pulling you into a very tight hug. "I don't want to see you get crushed on by a tree!" You reply tightens the hug. "Why? Because you know the tree would steal my heart and leave you all alone?~" he flirts with you. "Nice one..." You say half heartedly. You both laugh it off and try to catch up to the others, hand in hand!


You had just fallen into some weird cave. You slowly get up and brush yourself off. You look around and take in the surroundings. You notice no one is around you, so you yell their names to try to get a response. Your replied with screams of agony and help. You grab a hefty stone and run towards the screaming. You finally get to the area of all the screaming and see Boris on the ground, injured, and some huge spider about to finish the poor thing off. "Get off of him, you nasty thing!" You yell throwing the rock at the spider. It retreats and you go over to Boris. "[Y/N], that was amazing! You were so brave! Not your normal shy self! How do I repay you?" Boris as asks trying to get up. "First, I want you to help me clean up your injury! Second, all I want is cuddles from you! Not now though, later!" You reply to the adorable wolf!


You and the other questers had just finally gotten out of the cave, and were welcomed by sunshine.. And some giant mermaid. While everyone was talking you blanked out and just noticed... "Cups, your not going to like this. LOOK!" You say pointing at Jackpot, who had just made his way over to the mermaid and was going to become fish food. "JACKPOT!" Cuphead yells, while picking up a stone and throwing it at the mermaid. Once Jackpot returns to Cuphead, a giant hand reaches out out to grab Cuphead. You pull put your pocket knife and stab it into this mermaids hand. Making her screech in pain, but the important thing was you and Cuphead were safe! "Nice move [Y/N]!" Cuphead says holding you close and ruffles up the top of your hair. "Thanks! But I think a brawl is brewing!"


 It seemed like a normal quest day. Just lots of walk, talking, and... BEAR ATTACKS! A huge bear comes out of the near by woods and doesn't seem to be in a great mood! While everyone was fighting Mugman took a hard hit and fell to the ground. No had notices, because they wanted to take down the bear. You run over to him, knowing everyone else has the bear under control! You help fix Mugman up and just relax with him for a little while. "[Y/N]... I could have died today.. But I didn't all because of you!" Mugman says holding you tighter. "Muggy, I couldn't live in a world without you! I'd stop time itself if I had too!..." You kept going on and on, until Mugman kisses your nose to make you shut up!


You and Felix were exploring an old city in a huge cavern. To get in and out of this cavern you and Felix set up a rope system. You were working on some sketches when you heard a huge thus and Felix yelling "Hurry! Climb the rope!" You start to climb up them rope along with Felix. You looked down and see some sort of Ogre pulling down on the rope. It starts to break with Felix still on the bottom half. Just as it breaks your grab Felix's arm and the two of you get out of the cavern. "That was close! Thanks for saving me dear! Felix says giving you a close eye smile! " Anytime Feels!" You say replying with another close eye smile!

Man am I sorry this took awhile! I've gotten busy! I'll try to update this more often! I have a lot of the chapters written down in a notebook, but I've had to find a new way to post these because I don't have my laptop anymore! So yeah! Either way the next chapters will be of course, What He Likes About You, and What You Like About Him!

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