How You Meet

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You work at a small diner with your pal Max, you work as a waitress there. One day a wolf and quite small demon walk in. "Table for two, if I'm correct?" you ask the two of them. "Yeah that's right!" The wolf says. "Alright and I'm assuming you need a kids menu for the demon?" you ask looking down at the demon. "HEY! I'm older then my brother here, I'm 18 and he's 12!" He barks at you. "Sorry you just aren't very tall." you say as a blushing mess. You lead them their table and slowly die behind the counter. "It's alright [Y/N], I've done that before too!" Max says trying to comfort you. You go back over to the table with the wolf and demon with what they ordered. "Alright that's everything! Need anything else gents?" you ask with a smile. "How about your phone number?" the demon says with a smirk. "I don't even know your name, why should I give you my number?" you ask him. "Name's Bendy, this is Boris, now can I have your number?" he ask pointing at his brother. "Bendy maybe we should leave her alone." The wolf says shyly. "Here, my names is [Y/N]!" you say writing your number on a napkin and giving it to Bendy. "Wow, that's never worked before..." the two boys were shocked. You leave them to go serve others.


You were walking home from school (Because in this one your 12 like Boris!) and noticed a wolf and demon run past you. After them were two cups. You decided to follow them to see what was up. Eventually they spilt up and you decided to follow the demon and taller cup. They end up in an alley way and the demon trips over. You look from the side trying to hide. "Any last words?" the tall cups saying point his finger like a gun at the demon on the ground. You look over at the demon and he looks like he's having an ink attack from the terrible disease. You had just lost your whole family from that and had been staying with your aunt and uncle because of that. You jump in front of the cup and yell "STOP!" you put spread your arms out and hope you don't get hurt. "M-my b-bag! Please! S-something to ease the p-pain!" you hear the demon whisper out. You grab him and the bag and run off looking for the wolf. You find him playing Go Fish with the other cup. "HEY WOLF KID!" you run the wolf looks over and yells "BENDY!" he grabs the demon and you both run off to make sure the other cups won't hurt you or anything. "I'm so sorry about your demon pal here." You say helping him clean the ink off. "He's my older brother, and thank you so much for everything you've done." "No, thank you for taking care of him! I lost my whole family because of this terrible ink. You have done such a great job of helping him... unlike me..." you say trailing off and having tears form in your eyes. Before you knew it the wolf gave you a big hug. Once everything was back to normal you exchange names, turns out the wolf is named Boris and the demon is Bendy.


You have known him ever sense you were little, you lost touch over the years though. You had moved away and he apparently got into some wrong crowds. One day you were walking back from your friends house when you hear a kinda familiar voice up ahead. You follow it and find Cuphead crying on the ground and a demon and wolf by him. You watch a little more and then see Cuphead put his finger gun on his head about to kill himself. You run over and grab his arms to make sure he won't do anything and say "Cuphead! stop this! remember me, it's [Y/N]!" He looks up at you and says a simple sorry and passes out. "Do you know him?" the demon walks up to. "Yes, he's a childhood friend. I'd heard from his dad he's gone a bit down hill. I never dreamed that he'd gone down this far!" you say looking at Cuphead. "We need to help him!" The wolf says. "I'm [Y/N]." "I'm Bendy, he's Boris." You both take Cuphead over to the hospital and the whole time your wondering where is Mugman? Why Cuphead try to kill himself? What did I miss out on? Once Cuphead is in the hospital room you stay there until he wakes up. You jolts awake and says "I'm sorry [Y/N]!" you look over at him and without any words you hug him tightly. "Wait that wasn't a dream? You were here the whole time?" he asks looking at you. "Ya dummy! Now do remember anything? Also where is Mugman?" before Cuphead could answer a bunny nurse comes and drags you and him to another room where, MUGMAN! "Cuppy, and it that [Y/N]!?" "Yeah Mugs it is me!" You and Cuphead tackle Mugman into a big hug. "How did you get here Mugman?" Cuphead and Mugman look at each other and then Mugman speaks up "Cuphead accidently shot me through my chest..." After that you hug them even tighter. "I should have never left you guys! This is all my fault!" you say sobbing your heart out. "No it wasn't! We got ourselves in this situation!" they both say trying to comfort you. When your all better you all decided to rent a hotel room together and you decide to stick with the brothers to make sure they don't do anything stupid!


You decided to go and cheer people up at the hospital one day! You went from room to room giving people some hope and some laughs! You eventually went into a room with a mug. "Hi! Cheer up squad here! Well more of just one person haha!" you say walking in with a big grin. "Oh, Hi! I'm Mugman! And you are?" "[Y/N]!" you say holding your hand out for a shake. "So why you in here buddy?" You ask pulling a chair up to his bed. "Well... My brother accidentally shot me..." he says looking down and messing with his thumbs. "Hey I'm sure it was an accident! No brother would just go and shot his sibling like that!" you say grabbing his hands. "Yeah, he'd never do it, but who knows what he'd do anymore..." "Let's try to find something else to talk about. Hmmmmmm, Ohh! How about we hang out sometimes when you get out of the hospital?" You ask him. "That would be fun! I don't know if my brother would like it, but who cares about that!" "Great well here is my number, call me whenever!" you say handing him a piece of paper. "Will do!" for the rest of the time you talk and get to know each other well.


You went inside a small café to go and get some coffee. When you walk in you decide to pull out your sketch book and draw some of the customers (Sorry to you people who aren't artists! Just think you are one for this!) You notice one cat that sticks out from the rest. You start to sketch him but then the next time you look up at him he watching you. You look straight back down hoping he won't come over, but he does come over! "Hey, I noticed you we... Hey is that me?" he asks point to the sketch. "Ohh, yeah! I like to sketch the people that come in here!" you say rubbing the back of your neck. "You know I write books and I've never had any art in them, maybe you could do some for me?" "Umm, I'd have to come along to get the real image of what ever is happening." you say. "That's fine! Sometimes it does get lonely adventuring by myself!" "Alright then I'll do it!" you say and shake his hand. "Right well you can come by my tent in the morning, oh and here's my number!" he says giving you a napkin with his phone number on it. "I can't wait to go on these adventures with you!" You say walking out with your coffee.

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