Chapter 9

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We're moving tomorrow!
Good for me. After I drowned the bathroom every time mom and and I cross paths she's been giving me angry looks. Like dude, it's not like I broke your favourite expensive shampoo or something. Just perfume. Also I'm like seriously getting tired of Bella's whining. Unfortunately I am the only one who she can talk to about it and man, she sure knows how to cause headaches.
Why is she even moving when she doesn't want to? She could always go to Jacksonville right? Oh wait. She thinks she's a burden to mom and Phil. Idiot. Everyone knows she's their favourite. If anyone would be a burden it's me.


"Are you totally sure you'll be fine?" Mom asked like for the tenth time.
"Yes we're gonna be fine, Bella's okey, we have everything and we love you." I quickly said so we wouldn't miss the flight.
Bella hugs mom one more time and takes her cactuses. Seriously? We're going somewhere where it's almost always raining and she takes cactuses? I don't get paid enough for this.
Throughout the flight I mostly just drew and listened to music. Bella just hummed anxiously. Is she afraid of flying or what?
"You know it's gonna be alright."
"They'll be interested for a while, but that's not so bad. The Forks High accepted the exchange program, remember? There'll be a lot of new students."
"The Forks high accepted the-?"
"Yeah. Almost 3 years ago."
"Oh. Why didn't you tell me about it before?"
"I did, you just didn't listen." I mumbled
Of course Bella doesn't remember that I told her all about it. Probably because she never listens what I have to say unless it's about her interests.
Anyway, here's the list of things I've already done while flying. Let me think, I drew a portrait of a cat, listened to music, annoyed Bella, made friends with some random little dude behind me, annoyed Bella, sang "abcdefu" for the whole flight( I got an applause), which annoyed Bella because she was also in the centre of attention, oh and I sent Sophie some memes. Also did I mention annoying Bella? I've only been flying for an hour and Bella already looks like she wants to strangle me.


(JS) hey loser.
(JW) Hello?
(JS) whatcha doin?
(JW) Trying to learn?
(JS) I know.
(JW) Why did you ask then?
(JS) I just wanted you to realise that I'm annoying you purposely while you're in school.
(JW) Seriously?
(JS) yes.
(JS) Are you annoyed?
(JW) Yes!
(JS) good.
(JW) What is wrong with you.
(JS) you know you love me no matter what
(JW) correct
(JS) 😳😦
(JS) ....

let's text Rosalie. I took her number from a screenshot that Jasper sent me without his knowing. I think she likes me.

(Rose) hello Rosie-Posie
(Rosalie) Hello?
(Rose) Are you in school?
(Rosalie) Yes? It's lunch soon.
(Rosalie) Do you have any particular reason or you just wanted to annoy me
(Rose) I wanted to annoy you
(Rosalie) I'm blocking you.
(Rose) I think it's so cute that my middle name matches yours.
(Rose) right?
(Rosalie) No.
(Rosalie) Leave me alone.
(Rose) ok
(Rose) your brother is cute
#Jasmine deleted the message#
(Rosalie) wait what


We're here! My legs are sore from sitting so much. While Bella was looking for Charlie I bought a lollipop. I love candy. I looked around and saw dad standing in front of a cop car. Time to put on my smile. For him. I ran to him and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey dad! Sup? The flight was sooo boring and Bella kind of hates me now but don't worry, we're ok and can I sit in the back? I mean, the backseat of a cop car.  I'm here for the vibe!" I said it all with one breath and he looked at me.
"Uh, of course?"
After (awkward) greetings with Bella he took our bags and we started driving.
"You hair's longer."
"I cut it since the last time I saw you."
"Guess it grew out again."
I groaned loudly. Seriously? I'm starting to lose hope I'll get a normal family.
"So I see you dyed your hair."
"Your hair. It's so much darker. You dyed it?"
"No? It's darker?"
"Yeah. Guess it just changed."
"Yeah I guess."
"So, Jasmine. I heard you got into a fight with some older kid. I that right?"
"God dad of course not! You know I would never do it" I winked at him.
"Hmhm sure."
"Did you win?" he asked me quietly so Bella wouldn't hear.
"Yeah totally!" I smiled. That's why I love dad.
"That's my girl." He winked at me and gave me a high five.
Before I even noticed we were there. Hello new home.

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