Goldenstar's Journey - Part Two

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It had been a few days since Beankit had an infected paw. It was getting worse, not better. Many cats had come to see the poor kit. Airkit, his sister, usually stays in the medicine cats den with him. All anyone can do is wait for time to heal him. Elders, like Smalltail, like coming in to tell him stories about noble cats who became the best leaders. Goldenstar is there the most though. He's always there. Just like he promised. " Goldenstar, " says purring, sweet from behind him. He turns his head and sees Starrykit. Her eyes glitter in the darkness of the strong smelling medicine den. " Yes? " He replies.
" I miss Beankit. " she says. Starrykit looks at her young brother. " I miss everything about him. When we used to play, to when we cried together. Now, I cry alone. " The kits words were deep. They cut into Goldenstar like claws, deeper and deeper until the pain was too much. She spent a lot of time with the elders, since she didn't really want to do anything else.
" Time is precious. " Nineclaw told her. " It can tear people apart, or bring them back together. " Goldenstar looks at the shining starry pelt of the sky. Starclan, don't let him go yet! He sits at the edge of the den, waiting for dawn to creep past the horizon.
" Goldenstar? " a croaky voice from behind him says. Beankit? He whips around and sees his brother struggling to position himself. " Beankit! " He meows excitedly.
" What is it? " Airkit squeals, looking up from where she was sleeping. " He's better! Airkit, look! " Goldenstar jumps around the den excitedly. He's getting better! Goldenstar races to the sleeping medicine cats. " Flowerleaf! Shinepaw! Wake up!!! " The sleeping she cats jerk their heads up and look around, their movements and voices filled with drowsiness. " What is it? " Flowerleaf yawns, stretching as she stands up.
" Beankit's getting better! " The leader squeaks, and he rushes to tell the other cats. " Frostfoot! " He yowls. " Beankit's better! " The black and white tabby pricks her ears up, and then rushes to the den. The medicine cats scramble to see Beankit. " My paw hurts... " He croaks. The she cats gasp. " He is better!! " Shinepaw squeals. She gathers herbs to stop the pain in Beankit's paw. Then, she takes off the old paste on his paw, but the infection is gone. The word soon spread throughout the clans, and Cloudedstar, the leader or Riverclan, asked about him at the Gathering. " I'll be happy to tell you that Beankit is better now. He is playing with all the other kits and will soon be an apprentice. Thank you for asking, Cloudedstar. " The misty gray and golden she cat nodded. When Goldenstar got back to camp, all of his younger siblings were waiting for him. " Goldenstar! Goldenstar! Goldenstar! " They squealed. " What was the gathering like? " Airkit asked.
" How are the other clans? " Berrykit squeaked.
" How many cats were there? " Beankit wondered. Starrypaw answered Airkit and Berrykit's quiestions. " The Gathering was amazing! " She answered. It was her first Gathering.
" The other clans are great too! Who knew there was so much you could talk about in one day! "
" And it seemed there were more cats then the stars! " Goldenstar added, for it was his first gathering after becoming a leader. " You could see all the cats from every clan at Four Trees! " He felt like an exited kit again. " I can't wait until I'm old enough to go! " Airkit squealed, looking at her siblings.
" We'll be apprentices soon! And then we can meet every other cat! " Starrypaw and Goldenstar watched the kits go on and on and on about the Gathering like they knew everything about it! It was quite amusing for the leader and apprentice, and they both purred. Then, all of a sudden, Featherflight burst through the camp opening, with Stubbytail and Spottedstripe close behind.
" Rouges! " Stubbytail yowled out of breath. The young tom slowed down as he approached Goldenstar. " They'll be here any moment. " Spottedstripe called. Featherflight gathered some of the stronger cats to defend the entry. Goldenstar told a few cats to guard the nursery as he shoved Whitetip and the kits in. " Stay low, and keep hidden. " He ordered. They all nodded, to scarred to ague or complain. He then ran up the tallest rock that over hanged the opening, an he saw rouges moving slowly through the thick vegetation. Goldenstar growls. You won't defeat out cats mouse-brains. You can't defeat Thunderclan. Soon, the cats were closer. Featherflight waited for Goldenstar's signal. He then flicked his tail, not moving or looking away from his spot. " INVASION! " The strong clan cats yell. They race to the Shadowclan cats, who were in aware of them attacking. Featherflight pounced on an unexpected tom who was much bigger then her, be he went down easily. He yowled as she dug her claw into his pelt, but the dark brown tom soon fought back. He threw Featherflight off himself and she hit a rock, making it hard to see. The tom flung himself at her, digging his claws deeper and deeper into her flesh. Her ear peeving yowl sounded and it seemed like every cat stopped of a heartbeat to look at them.
" Featherflight! " Goldenstar shouts, louder then the fighting and yowling of the cats. He jumps strait off the rock and hit the tom off her with a hard blow. It knocks him back quiet far. When the brown tom lands, his paw twist the wrong way. He yowls and calls his cats to retreat. It's only when he sits there yowling that Goldenstar races to Featherflight. " She's fading fast! " Flowerleaf tells him, putting herbs on her wounds, knowing that she wont make it. " Goldenstar? " Featherflight whispers, so quietly that he almost doesn't hear it. " Yes, Featherflight? I'm right here. "
" I'm not going to make it... " she wheezes, looking into his deep green eyes. " I'm going to Starclan, and you can't stop it. " She coughs her eyes getting duller by the second. " Avenge.. me.. and your... father..... You will have to.... travel... to catch... him.... but, don't worry.... I'll be there........ " Featherflight closes her eyes and her body goes limp. " Featherflight, no... " Goldenstar's vision goes cloudy. All the cats gather around her fallen body.
" Featherflight, no!!! " He yowls, lying down next to her, remembering her words. Other cats come and lie down next to him, touching their noses to Featherflight. Airkit, Beankit, and Berrykit even come and crouch beside the clan. It's then that Goldenstar realizes that the tom who killed Featherflight killed his father, and he must pay. Red hit anger shot through Goldenstar and he remembered his name. Wilt.

End of part 2

If you would like me to add your cat in, comment, tell me their name, rank, age and if they're in Thunderclan, or another clan, or if they're clan born or not, or a rouge, or a kitty pet. Vote please. Part there will be up soon! :) - LunaLightTheNightKat

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