Goldenstar's Journey - Part 6

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The Twolegplace was starting to come in sight now. Goldenstar had traveled for a while, trying to pick up the rouges sent. He was hoping the cat would be around here. Maybe another cat would have seen him pass, and he would track Wilt down, and defeat him once and for all. A flicker of movement caught the former leaders eye. At first, he thought it was a fox. From what he had seen, it had a large, fluffy orange and white tail, and an orange pelt. He braced himself with unsheathed claws. He snarled his teeth. The creature slunk out of the shadows. It was easier to see. It wasn't a fox at all. It was a cat. It didn't have a collar, but it didn't look like it belonged to the a Clan. " Who are you? " Goldenstar growled, ready to pounce.
" Who are you? " She challenged. The fox-like she-cat slid her claws out.
" Why are you here? " The cat hissed.
" Why are you here? " The former leader threw back. He didn't like this cat, and his fur pricked up. She sheathed her claws, and relaxed. " We won't get any answers if we just have a stand off. " She replied wisely. The golden tom's fur went down. He hesitated for a moment, then sat down.
" Okay. " He said reluctantly. " I'm Goldenstar, leader of ThunderClan. " The fox-furred she-cat looked confused. " Why are you out here then? Aren't you supposed to be with your Clan? " She asked. Goldenstar nodded.
" I am, but I left to find a rouge whose killed many cats. Including ones in my Clan. " He growled uneasily, remembering Featherflight and Brownpelt. The she-cats ears pricked up. " I'm looking for a rouge too! " She exclaimed. Goldenstar looked at her. She looks like an apprentice who just caught a mouse for the first time.
" You forgot to tell me your name. " He meowed, changing the subject.
" Oh.. Right. " She said. " Well, I'm- "
" Foxfur? " A mew came from behind her in a bush. " Is it safe? " A kits head peaked out. " And who's that? " Foxfur whipped around. " I told you not to come out until I said it's safe! " She snapped. " Sorry, " she meowed to Goldenstar. " That's my little brother. By the time he found me, there was no time to turn back. " The golden tom looked at the little cat.
" I'm Grasskit. " He mewed. " What's your name? "
" Goldenstar. " To the leaders surprise, Grasskit's eyes stretched wide with wonder and excitement. " Wow! What is it like being leader? " He asked. Goldenstar looked confused. " Which Clan are from? " He asked, looking towards Foxfur. " We're from WindClan. I thought rouges might have come this way. " She said, looking at the setting sun.
" We better get moving before real foxes come. " Grasskit mewed, falling beside Foxfur as they walked toward the strange, lighting up dens.
" What have the rouges done to make you travel out here? " Goldenstar asked them. Grasskit's face went blank. " He's stolen kits and apprentices from our Clan so he can train them. " Foxfur admitted.
" He stole our sister. " Grasskit growled, digging his claws into the earth. His eyes swelled with sadness and he continued in a whisper. " She wasn't even two moons. " Foxfur thought fast as she spotted a hollow tree.
" Lets sleep here tonight. " She meowed as she guided her brother towards the dry den. " It's not perfect, but it'll do. " The first warriors of StarClan started to come out as the moon rose higher. Grasskit settled down in his small nest, but he soon drifted to sleep. Foxfur licked his head, and snuggled in her bed. " Goodnight, Goldenstar. " She yawned sleepily and closed her eyes.
" Goodnight, Foxfur. " Goldenstar replied. He noticed how beautiful the she-cat looked in the dazzling moonlight. The tom laid down his head and slowly fell asleep, looking at the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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