Goldenstar's Journey - Part Four

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The sky was lightening as Goldenstar awoke. The Starclan warriors were disappearing. " Goldenstar? " A voice startled him as he padded toward the camp exit. He turns around to see Berrykit, soon to be Berrypaw. " Yes? " He asks.
" See thoughts fading stars? " She asked. " Do you think that's Brownpelt and Featherflight up there? " She raises a paw to two stars, one more fades then the other. Goldenstar smiles. " I think it is. "
" Will they follow you? " The kits words rung around his head. " I suppose so. " He answered, although he wasn't that sure. Will they really? He licks the kits head. He knows he won't be the one giving her a new name. He doesn't even know if he will make it back.
" Goodbye, Berrykit. Don't run off after me. " Goldenstar knows that that was the last words from him to her for a long time. She nods. " I hope you find Wilt and end his evil ways. " A few more cats gather to farewell him.
" Travel safe. " Frostfoot chokes out the words, hoping to see her loved one again. Goldenstar just nods, hoping too that he can make it back to the clans. Whitetip is next to speak. " I was always proud of you, but my grief was too much. "
" I understand. " He replies, and licks his mothers cheek. " I will return soon. Don't worry. " She didn't seem to believe it that well, and neither did he. The next cat to speak was Flowerleaf.
" May Starclan light your path. " She meows.
" Thank you, for saving Beankit, and serving your clan well. " He compliments. She smiles. Starrypaw was next. " I'm sorry about yesterday, " She says. " I just, was mad. "
" I understand. " Goldenstar purrs, smiling at her. He licks her cheek and she licks him back. " Travel safe. " She says at last. Beankit was the last to speak. " Goodbye, Goldenstar. I always thought you'd be the one giving me my warrior name. " He says to his brother. The leaders eyes blur. " I will never forget you, Beankit. And if I go to Starclan, you will become the leader and I will give you one of your nine lives. " Goldenstar replies.
" I know. " The little kit says, licking his face. " Farewell, for now, my brother. " We're his last words. Be strong. The tom thought. You will see these cats again, weather it's from Starclan or in this camp. And with that, the now former leader walked out the camp entrance. I'm coming for you Wilt, weather it's the last thing I do.

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